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And here comes the dirty swine.

desi40's picture

Ladies, I am going to vent about my idiot DH and his Hog face daughter.
Why is it DH prefers to make us suffer as his BD11 eats like a Hog out of a trough instead of simply telling the Hog to use utensils? The Hog likes to lick the palms of her hands up to her finger tips with her tongue after a good meal. My BD12 and I stare at her with the utmost disgust as she talks with her mouth full of food. DH looks at us with that stupid look on his face and doesn't say a freaking word. What do we do? We stop eating with them. There's no point in talking to DH about his dtr dismal table manners as avoidance is his alma mater. Yes, I gave my BD12 tips on handling The Hog beforehand. I said as long as the Hog plays nice you do the same. But the moment she gets nasty and she will. You better fry her a$$ up like some bacon. And of course that train is never late. Hog told my daughter she needs to keep quiet and snatched the tv remote from her. Mind you Hog Face doesn't live w/us she is a visitor. An unfortunate visitor. Her visits are the equivalent of yearly painful, throbbing, hemorroids. Well BD12 verbally assaulted Hog Face so good that she ran into the bathroom squealing just like the Hog she is. Excellent! What does DH do?Takes the beast and stays at his mothers house. Good. Because if we don't ever see her again, it will be to soon.


EvilAngel's picture

Seriously...I have to remember to PUT THE DRINK DOWN when reading some of these! LMAO!

Ljcapp1's picture

I thought I remembered you from a while back and so I reread your old stuff. And yes I do remember you.

Here is my take on your situation. It's JMHO use it as you wish...
You and your DH broke up and this maniac child is a product of the time in between the break-up. She sounds like a turd I will not deny that, but wouldn't she be your daughter's half-sister?
I mean it seems like you would encourage them to have a sisterly relationship as opposed to scrapping.

Disneyfan's picture


The girls are sister's so they need to get along. Encouraging them to fight is wrong.

desi40's picture

To Ljcapp1:
In the beginning we encouraged a relationship between the two until Hog face choked my daughter , slapped and bit my nephew for no good reason. I was there, I saw each instance unfold. Hog face has issues with BD12. I can assume it's bc she's jealous DH is with us. Secondly, there is no way in hell I am going to stand by while my daughter in unfairly mistreated. The Mama bear in me will not allow such a thing. So, yes I'm teaching my daughter to whip ass, ask questions later. Anyone has a problem with that can talk to me.

AllySkoo's picture

I know a parent like this. He encouraged his son to "fight back" against other kids. His kid has now been kicked out of every day care within a 50 mile radius for violence and bullying. So good luck with that.

Strengthh's picture

It depends. I have always taught my kids to "fight back". They have been at their school 8 years now. My daughter has never got in trouble for fighting back. My son twice. Once the teacher saw everything, and the teacher said it was self defense. But due to the severity of both boys, they were both punished. The second time, my son said it was self defense, and I believe him. Either way, 2 kids, 8 years, 2 times in trouble.

I also know chronic bullies who always claim self defense.

My kids school has a bad bullying problem, it is not handled well by the teachers/staff/principal. So it depends on the situation.

Disneyfan's picture

It sounds like you're jealous and/or angry at SD because your SO got another woman pregnant during the break up.

All of the anger,violence and jealously is the result of Johnny Appleseed bouncing back and forth from you to BM and back to you.


If you're telling your kid to beat SD's ass, you best believe BM us telling SD to do the same to your daughter.

All of this over a piece of man. CRAZY

Willow2010's picture

I'm teaching my daughter to whip ass, ask questions later. Anyone has a problem with that can talk to me.
Well now that's just good parenting right there. (said in my best Billy Bob imitation).
And yes...that is sarcasm. sounds like your SD may have poked the bear but then your DD showed her ass and then Dad had to take SD away from this bad situation. (Your DD)

You need to calm down. I feel like YOU are the problem here maybe.

Disneyfan's picture

Instead of removing one of his kids from the house, dad should have come down hard on both girls. He should make it clear that he doesn't give a damn how the BMs may feel about one another. The girls are sister's and they need to act sisters or deal with him.

He he also needs to check both mothers. That level of anger (on both sides) is coming from the mothers.

Willow2010's picture

Instead of removing one of his kids from the house, dad should have come down hard on both girls
Agreed...but I don't think that would work in this situation. This mom sounds like she has some giant anger issues that lean toward violence (and teaching her DD the same) so I would assume that is why he got his DD out of that situation.

carriedear's picture

This blog is very over the top with hostility. I'm sorry to say it but you sound crazy.

Ljcapp1's picture

I realize no one want her child beaten on by another child. I get that totally. But these girls are sisters. They should have a chance to get to be sisters. Maybe you could encourage them to get along nicely, remind them they are family (real family) they aren't like a lot of us here that have skids. And maybe you should back off a little with the mama bear shit. I see your side but I also disagree with encouraging your kid to fight especially over a fucking Tv remote.

WTF...REALLY's picture

You're doing your daughter a disservice by teaching her to fight now and ask questions later. You need other resources to help you through your anger. Don't ruin your daughters life.

desi40's picture

I am teaching my child to defend herself. In this world you must fight or get ran over. I know violence isn't the first response in most cases. However, sometimes it is.

AustinTX1119's picture

PLEASE do not stand behind them fighting or arguing ... BULLYING is such an issue with out society and I HATE it. Children commit suicide over it and it just makes me sick to my stomach to hear that you encourage it. I understand as a momma bear its hard to sit back and watch your child get mistreated, but you need to handle it better and step in as the parent and discipline your SD for acting like that towards your BD or vise versa.

robin333's picture

You definitely sound hostile toward SD, over the top so... Sometimes the best lesson you can teach a child is how to use whatever gift they have - brains, empathy - to settle a situation versus blind violence. It sounds like you are setting up your DD to react and think later.

EvilAngel's picture

Softheart and Thunderfoot are 1/2 sisters and they fight all the time. Granted it's just with words but they still get into. DH has to give them a stern talking to every weekend we have them. It's usually because Thunderfoot tries to boss Softheart and Softheart is NOT HAVING ANY of that! I like that she takes up for herself but I don't like the way they talk to one another sometimes. Thunderfoot is jealous of Softheart because she doesn't like to share her Daddddyyyyy with Softheart and she gets snarky with her. DH nips it though...real quick and in a hurry.

desi40's picture

EvcilAngel thank you for understanding. The difference between your DH and mine is that your DH addresses it and nips it in the bud.

EvilAngel's picture

This is one of the reasons that I have always been reluctant to have kids with DH (but I don't want kids of my own anyway). I know that Thunderfoot would resent ANY child of ours because she is a "daddy's girl" and I couldn't take her being mean to my child. Although my case is a little different because her BM is 100% out of the picture.