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Don't Call It a Comeback........

DarkStar's picture

I've been here for years!!!
I haven’t posted in eons, but have been lurking on a regular basis so I am familiar with all the latest and greatest….including yet another “mass exodus”. It’s unfortunate. I will especially miss LadyFace and Echo, and hope they reincarnate themselves and return!
So, I’m coming out of STalker retirement, although things have REALLY changed this year, I’m just now getting around to posting…..I think I’m going to need the vent AND the advice in the near future.
Read my past blogs for more deets….but to start…..SD19- out of the house, at college, living in apt w/boyfriend, and p/t job…..go SD19!!!!!
SD14-9th grade, in band and show choir, going through typical teenaged angtsy-ness
SS13-7th grade…..sigh. High functioning autistic. Unfortunately, my previous fears are coming to fruition (see past blogs for deets), and he’s a mess, quite frankly. Much more info to follow.
SO is now FDH!!!!! We got engaged in May, been together 7 ½ yrs. The plan is to each sell our respective homes next spring (gulp), get a place together, then get married in 2018. So much has happened in our relationship. We broke up twice, but got back together after each of us made real, sincere changes in our actions and behaviors. It’s still a bumpy ride, but we communicate, and keep each other on the same page.
So……more info and blogs to follow…..I’m jumping onboard the SM roller-coaster!


justkeepstepping's picture

Where have you been? The trolls went crazy and they booted a ton of long time members because the banter started getting pretty dirty between them.

ETA: Gimlet kept a list of some of the ones booted.

LadyFace, anotherstep2, Echo, FruitSalad704, Cocktail Hour, GrannyGoose, sueu2, SuperJew, RosaluOsliar, monkeyseemonkeydo, Step Aside, HeavenLike, still struggling, trying.hard, Mustang, renewal11-11, babybugged, HRNYC, advice.only

Cover1W's picture

Wow. I didn't know either...but I've not been here every day and was on a vaca with a girlfriend! THAT was relaxing!

Stepped in what momma's picture

Wow, that is quite a list, I was away for a week and the whole place goes to the crapper.

DaizyDuke's picture

"Don't call it a comeback
I've been here for years
I'm rocking my peers
Puttin' suckers in fear.."

LOL now I have LL Cool J in my head! I can't even fathom living with an autistic 7th grade boy that wasn't mine! :O Vent away!

Acratopotes's picture

welcome back and congrats on the engagement.... but if you are clever, do not sell your house yet .....

hang on to it, it was my savior, and it's very very difficult when there's combined property

Rastabear's picture

Wow, I am in shock knowing that CS could continue till 21 in US. That's harsh!!
Here Down Under CS cease automatically once child turns 18. We can still collect /pay CS till the end of the school year if you request "extensions ".
Mine as a payer will end in November this year. Mine is not much as my ex earns twice as much as I do.
DH is also paying CS for his son till next year who stays with us every other weekend and school holidays. His BM never hold a job for long so DH pays a massive amount of CS every month... BM lives in a farm and rides horses every day that is he "passion".
The other day SS was talking about a Desktop computer ($5,000 ) that he wants for his mum's. I was like " your mum may be need to get a full time job to be able to buy that for you ! " I thought it is insane 17yrs is asking that much money!! He never works either!!!
I know I sounded mean but really make me mad that I and DH both work full time to make the ends meet but BM feed her horses with DH money and it's ends up horse manure... how fair is this ?

Rastabear's picture

Opps wrong topic, sorry DarkStar I accidentally posted my comment on your post..

I've asked Admin to delete my post.

Many apologies..

thinkthrice's picture

poster FKA "Crayon" here.
Joined approx 11 yrs+ ago. CS stiiiillll goooiiinnngggg