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DaizyDuke's Blog

Just talked to Aunt J.... SD17 lying as usual.... GAH!

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Just had a LONG FB convo with Aunt J.... she just happened to message me with graduation information for SD in case we are coming down. She told me she knew NOTHING of SD applying at community college in my state, in fact she has been filling out forms for Pell grant and waiting to see on student aid for 5 colleges she applied to in VA. Why the hell does this girl have to LIE!??

Why is it so freaking impossible to get through a holiday without skid drama???

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So first off, this is really more MIL drama, but just so freaking annoying! MIL invited us to her house for dinner/gift exchange last night. Last year we didn't go and it was wonderful. This year, DH told MIL that we were NOT going, but SIL3 begged me to come, so I decided BS5 and I would go after all. It's so frustrating because I LOVE all of DH's SILS, FIL, everyone... except for MIL and DH is really the same way. So literally 15 minutes before we need to leave, I ask DH if he's going, he says no, that he already told MIL that..

More SD nonsense and the joys of running into BM1

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How fun running into BM1 and dealing with SD drama!! DH and I decided to go to neighboring town on Saturday for their humongous neighborhood rummage sales. Like seriously, it encompasses about 10 side streets, 2 main streets and miles and miles of homes. Guess who we fucking run into, in this zoo of rummage salers? BM1. Well I say "we" but it was really only DH. BS5 and I were checking some stuff out and I turn around thinking DH was right behind me and he's nowhere, so I do a quick scan and see him talking to someone in their car.

Why do I get screamed at when SD17, MIL,and GBM act the fool??

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backstory- last week DH told me that Aunt J called and said that SD cell phone has not been working for a few weeks. I guess they ARE coming home for a couple of days this week and she wondered if DH could get SD a new phone. DH figured since both of our phones are eligible for upgrades that one of us could get a new phone and give SD our old one. He decided that someone could be me because he wants to give his phone to BS5 (just for games and camera and silly stuff)and I know how this is going to play out. I have a Galaxy S4, DH has the Iphone 3 or 4.

SS16, Dumber School, and Dumbest BM

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BM2 apparently called DH on Friday to tell him that SS had to go to Dumber School because he failed Art, Gym and something else (DH couldn't remember what) DH said BM made it sound like he hadn't started Dumber School yet, I said "well then she's lying, because summer school started on 7/6 and I know you can only miss 3 days and you are done.. no credit." DH said whatever he really didn't care. He also said that BM2 told him that she told SS16 that if he doesn't shape up that she is sending him to live with us. Fuck that! DH said he told her no, that is not going to happen.

Which one of you slutty hoes is pissing this little snot off???

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So I run the Alternative Learning Center in my school district (tutoring for students who are suspended or have RX to be out of school for medical reasons) So I have a gal here from one of our middle schools, just started Friday and is already a royal pain in the rump according to the tutor. Today the tutor confiscated this note that the girl passed to another middle school boy (all grammar errors are HERS):

Dear Step Mom
