Frustrated or Why doesn't he listen (long)
I have had a rough week or so. DH and I had a huge blow up last week. I told him how I am beginning to resent him, because I am always having to help him take care of his family. On the weekends, I help him take care of SS4, and now on a daily basis, I do the cooking and cleaning for his GM83 who moved in with us.
I explained to him that the only way I think I can cope with GM being here and them always fighting is that I need a dog. I have shot down every reason he and GM can think of, for why I shouldn't have one. I told DH the only way I can help him cope and support him through this is for me to have a pet, something that I can focus on when those two are going at it. I also told him he seriously needs to work on his patience. He blows up at some of the smallest things, and it makes me very uneasy.
An example of how he blows up, yesterday at the grocery store, he instructed the cashier to pass the items down to him, so that he can bag them in our re-usable shopping bags. Cashiers are quicker at scanning things than I am, so they were coming down pretty quickly. He picked up the bags he had already filled and literally threw them in the cart. He says he has been trying to keep this under control and would like me to acknowledge when he is doing a good job of this. I am sorry, but you want me to tell you "good job" for acting like a normal human being? I don't yell at your GM despite the fact that I have to tell her something 3 times to get her to grasp what I am saying. I don't yell at SS when I can't get something to work the way I want it to, just because he happened to ask me a questions while I was frustrated.
This morning, DH was up with SS, because I am not getting up at 6 am on a Sunday for a kid I didn't create, unless DH is ill. When I got up at 830 and went to the bathroom, DH heard me. He came into the bedroom after I got back into bed, and said "It's time to get started on breakfast." Which actually translates into, you get up and start making pancakes, I will start on the sausage once you actually get the pancakes cooking. I told him, I am not cooking this morning. He asked if I am feeling ok to which I told him I was, but I don't feel like cooking. His response, "Well, now I need to find something to do for the boy and I." I told him "You can have the $20 in my wallet and go to IHOP for all I care. I am not cooking."
Well, at this point he can tell that I am pissed off about something, and he asks me what is wrong. I tell him I don't want to talk about it right now. I said that because I know he has plans to go fishing with SS after breakfast, and I don't want to start anything, I just want to be left alone. What does he do, he keeps pushing me, whats wrong? whats wrong? whats wrong? So I tell him, that I am still upset about a lot of things, yesterdays argument in particular. (The argument was about him filing some paperwork to get a new CO nailed down, now that BM is moving closer. Just have it state who is doing the driving, that we get a copy of the insurance card, and that she is to keep DH informed about school.) What the argument came down to is that my opinions and all the research I have been doing don't matter, because he has no intention of making any changes. So sue me for not wanting to get up and cook you, your son and your GM breakfast.
I have been so stressed out, I haven't been able to go one day without an upset stomache. I am quickly reaching my breaking point and I really don't know what to do. I love me DH but it killed me last week when he told me that "You had a choice on GM moving in. I didn't, and yes, your choice was a fucked up one, but you had a choice." So my choice folks was, either I could deal with GM moving in, or I could leave.
- CrazieCoconut86's blog
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I'm sorry you are having such
I'm sorry you are having such a rough time. Don't get a dog right now. If you do leave it will be harder with a dog. Trust me I know from experience. If you stay the dog will be something he can use against you and will be a way for him to guilt you. As in I let you get a dog so you can at least do xyz for me or your dog is always doing something annoying or in the way or bit SS or anything he can come up with to use it against you. I hope its not the case but it usually is.
I understand how you are
I understand how you are feeling. His kid and G-Ma are his responsibility. You are great for helping but it should still be mainly up to him. While you are busy, I understand why having the dog could help you. You spend all that time taking care of someone else's part of the family and what do you have to enjoy? I dont know what I would do without my dogs. I take care of fdh kids and he hardly does anything. Luckily we only have them every other weekend. There are times I wish I had them more but then I remember they are not mine and never will be. I have to remember that every time BM says they need to be at a game on one the the 4 days a month we have them. She puts them in every sport so they ALWAYS have some sort of game or practice which I think is bs. He is off with her and their kids at sports stuff and parent teacher conferences. In my opinion, fdh gets them 4 days a week, they can miss their games or practice on those days so they can have time here. Not only that but I am a teacher so I know that he can request his own parent teacher conferences without having to be there with her. It gets so old when things are revolved only on him and his kids and what they want or feel.
I just feel like I am losing
I just feel like I am losing out here. I agree with you, disfocused. We have SS eowe and every sunday when it isn't the all weekend weekend. I think part of my problem is that DH don't get "us" time any more. His GM is up his butt constantly. She has no health problems, she is just old and as I have said in a previous blog, wishes she were dead. She still won't come out of her room if it is just me here. She doesn't really want anything to do with me. I told DH, in regards to the dog, that I just want to be a foster mom right now. While I am at work, I would make sure the dog would stay in our bedroom, it wouldn't be a bother to GM. He doesn't care tho. Despite the fact he would like a dog too, he would rather have me complain to him then his gm. I tried talking to his GM, but that was a lost cause. I explained that I would just be watching, feeding, walking, etc., the dog until it found its forever home. I think I need that rewarding experience right now. She won't budge. I am about to go over them both and just do what I want. I know that isn't the right thing to do, but neither is completly disregarding how I feel about it.
When it came to the CO argument yesterday, DH pretty much told me he gave up on getting more time with SS a while ago. Had I known this, I wouldn't have spent MY time researching different things and trying to understand how the pre-paid legal services I can get through my job work. I could have spent MY time doing something I wanted to do, instead of trying to help him.
At this point, I feel like my wants/needs/opinions/thoughts don't matter one bit to him. If anything I want or think will cause him any greif in the least, he doesn't give a shit. So, now only after 7 months of marriage, I am wondering what I have gotten myself into. My heart is breaking and I can't stop crying.
Sounds like you need a
Sounds like you need a vacation. Do you have any family or friends that you could go visit? I'm taking a couple nights out of town for myself in two weeks and I can't wait! It's rejuvenating.