12 Traits of an Abusive Relationship
I thought this was a good article & wanted to share!! This was totally my Ex Husband ... glad i had gotten out!!!
An abuser is typically:
1. Charming. This person quickly smothers the other with gifts and praise. He/she immediately pushes for an exclusive relationship using phrases such as “I can’t live without you” or “I’ll kill myself if you leave.” A clear indication something is wrong.
2. Jealous. He/she views others as a threat to the relationship and relentlessly accuses you of flirting. “I know you are having an affair.” The irony is that the abuser is usually the cheater.
3. Manipulative. Abuse and manipulation go hand-in-hand. This person easily detects vulnerability in others and uses it as a weapon to control, belittle and demean the victim. “You are weak and ugly; no wonder you were abused as a kid.”
4. Controlling. Constant checking on the whereabouts of the victim is a common trait for the abuser. “I check the mileage on your car. So don’t lie to me.” A male controller often refuses to let his girlfriend have a job, she might “meet someone.”
5. A Victim. An abuser doesn’t take any responsibility for his/ her poor choices. They are never at fault. When she loses her job, or he gets into a fight, someone else is to blame. “You make me hit you” or “I drink because you stress me out.”
6. Narcissistic. The whole world revolves around the abuser and his/her needs. This person is invigorated by the fact that the victims “walks on eggshells” and live in fear of the next outburst.
7. Inconsistent. Mood swings are a common trait for an abuser. One minute he/she is happy and sweet, the next they are pounding a fist or throwing a tantrum.
8. Critical. Verbally assaulting others is a way of life for the abuser. “You are a stupid, fat, disgusting tramp. You can’t ever leave me; no other man would have you” or “Ha! You call yourself a man. You are nothing but a mama’s boy.”
9. Disconnected. Isolation from family and friends is a key goal for the abuser because it forces the victim into total submission. “Your family causes too much trouble for us. I don’t want you seeing them anymore.”
10. Hypersensitive. The slightest offense sends the abuser ranting. Everyone is out to “get him/her.” “My boss had it in for me; I bend over backwards on my job but I still got fired.”
11. Vicious and cruel. A significant number of abusers harm children and animals as well as a partner. Intimidation and inflicting pain fuels his/her power. “If I can’t have you, no one will” or “I just pretended to love you so that you would sleep with me.”
12. Insincerely repentant. He/she will swear to never “behave like that again.” But unless an abuser receives professional help and solid accountability it’s unlikely the abuse will disappear.
After marriage these behaviors typically escalate, therefore it’s crucial to recognize the warning signs now. Tell someone you can trust, and get help. And don’t believe the lie that it’s not abuse until he/she hits you.
When an abuser loses control they often react with rage and the abuse intensifies. Therefore, make a plan before breaking off the relationship. Contact a counselor or local domestic abuse hotline and/or safe house in your community.
This insight is for church leaders. In my 20 years of ministry I’ve watched numerous abusers deceive and manipulate the church. He/she often knows exactly what to say and do to get the church “on their side.” Although Christians are called to be loving and kind, we should not ignore toxic, sinful behavior. That is neither love or compassion.
Copyright © 2009 Laura Petherbridge. All rights reserved
Laura Petherbridge is an international author and speaker who serves couples and single adults with topics on relationships, divorce prevention, and divorce recovery. She is the author of When “I Do” Becomes “I Don’t”—Practical Steps for Healing During Separation and Divorce, and a featured expert on the DivorceCare DVD series. Her newest book The Smart Stepmom, will be released in September of 2009. Her website is www.Laurapetherbridge.com.
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*sigh* where were you in
*sigh* where were you in 1997? lol
These are exactly the behaviors of potential abusers.
i would also add one other thing, "crazy-making".
Happens like this, one day your partner tells you they love this dish of food you made. then a few weeks later you amek it again, and they toss it in the garbage saying, 'HOW COULD YOU COOK THIS IT'S DISGUSTING I HATE IT AND YOU KNOW IT!" and you're like - "What? no you said you loved it!" to which they reply, "I NEVER said that, you're imagining things" etc. etc. They convince you that what you know to be reality is inaccurate and you're left feeling confused and "fuzzy" about what just happened.
This can happen over what time they'r coming home, how muchg money they make/spend, what you can do (like go out with girlfriends), or anything really. It knocks you off balance and makes you unsure.
OMG YES to that last and
OMG YES to that last and jterrier said..
SURE, go out w/the girls you deserve it...only to have my drivers license AND debit card go missing the day prior ...oh and he had NO CASH to give me even though he was working part time at a restaurant and got tips...but it was a Friday night and he didn't make any $ on tips lol. OH and then the calls to get my ass home, how i'm whoring around-keep me up till 6 am threatening me, to kill himself, crying, blah blah-and then demand I get up w/the kdis the next am. This is AFTER he is SO EXCITED FOR ME to have a girls night out. He made it HELL-I never did it again.
Now-I have GNO about once every 4-6 weeks and other then a small pout of "i'll miss you" which I do to him also we get freedom and respect form eachother.
The crazymaking-OMG, how insane...i heard 'you're crazy, never said that, you're imagining shit' SOOO many times!! They all read from the same script. That crap is in my past burried.
Hey Overit - I used to start
Hey Overit - I used to start using the mirroring technique. he'd say, "I never said that!" and I'd say, 'yep. you never said that". And he'd go, well then why did you just say I said it??? and I'd say, "I didn't?" and just look at him quizzically.
he'd stomp out of the room and call me nuts. LOL.
It's amazing how much power over someone you can have when you know what gets to them. It's MOre amazing how much power you have INSIDE of you once you know what gets to you!
YES AND YES_once I learned
YES AND YES_once I learned about the crazymaking, gaslighting, I learned defenses and statements like you mentioned above...and after that it REALLY had him scrambling, escalating because he didn't understand my new response techniques
PRICELESS. YES you realize how much power you had to begin with. Beginning of sweet freedom. Been an 'outie' over 7 1/2yrs now 
Hmmmmmmm..........Uberskank (the BM) got 12 out of 12. }:)
I'd like to say I'm shocked.........but.............
PS....my ExH also scored 12 of 12. Which is why he's probably and EX.
Been an outie since 2005!!!
Been an outie since 2005!!!
Close to mine then...ain't
Close to mine then...ain't life grand on the other side???
I have been out for a little
I have been out for a little over 10 happy years!!!
One thing that was hard was the mood swings. I think he was bi-polar too! It was like a light switch ... one minute he was all happy and the next you would have thought i just ran his dog over!! I would sit there and think ... did i breathe wrong? Seriously!!!!
This book was my savior.
AND - I was interviewed by the author. She used my term in her next book - "piehole" lolololol. I told her he would tell me to "shut my piehole" and she was like, "what? Shut your what?" lolol.
But seriously - the crazy making, the back talk, the sudden shift in mood, the thousands of baby chickens foot-murdered all those years...
OMG YES it's nice on the other side. Now i have to learn to separate sincere aggravation with manipulation. Difficult sometimes.
Wow-yes that book and
Wow-yes that book and Controlling People, also Lundy bancrofts Why does he do that.... were life savers for me...as well as Patricias website back in the day. There are other much better forums now that I recommend for others in that issues. Our place is a very good one.
Wait, overit - you were on
Wait, overit - you were on the forums htere too??? HAHAHAAH
I'll BET you we interacted there. I'm pming you.
My ex-boyfriend was a
My ex-boyfriend was a textbook abuser. He fit every single one of these traits. I thank god I escaped. I know he would have killed me. He is dead now..overdosed on pain medication last year.