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Cover1W's Blog

dinner table convo

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Ok, so DH did it AGAIN!  DH said something about being "loco" and YSD, almost 17, two years of spanish taken now, asked, "What does that mean?"  I said, two years into spanish and you don't know - and kind of laughed. I then asked, say something in spanish....she said "Whaaaa...?" and squirmed. Like she does with most direct questions. "Say something in Spanish, anything!" I wasn't being mean or anything, just trying to get her involved LIKE DH WANTS ME TO DO.

OSD19 - college life

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So I was informed of some information regarding OSD19, in the form of a college radio station interview (i.e. two female college students who "interview" what seems like their circle of friends...not exactly "high intelligence conversation...." at a midnight time slot LOL).


YSD dynamic this weekend

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So YSD16 is here the first time in well over a month. DH was exited. Great! He gets a bunch of stuff from the store (things he only makes when she's here because I don't cook then, and a whole bunch of comfort food and treats for himself. Of course I'm not factored in again. He did get more milk.). And cooks dinner instead of picking up something, admittedly hard to do now that she's pretty much vegan. I won't wait that long again, it's my earliest day and I was very hungry and tired by dinner.

DH missing YSD16

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Well, it's been well over a month since YSD16 has deigned to show up.

She did have an event going on for some of that which is OK, but not for 5 or 6 entire weekends in a row. She's barely responding to DH's texts. DH is very upset and it's bringing back memories of OSD's PAS for him. Although YSD doesn't have the bad attitude, she's more of a ghoster.

We have talked about it and acknowledged that we expected something like this to happen since she chose to go to the high school nearest BM, and once OSD left for college. But for DH it still hurts.

DH Mood = known issue

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Well, he did it yet again.

He was in a low mood yesderday when I got home. Refused to make dinner so YSD and I threw something together.

Then he got annoyed at dinner with me for talking too much about something (he NEVER does this when YSD isn't there). So I got up and left the table. I wasn't putting up with that.

YSDs Vegetarian Issues

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DH had a week with YSD16 and two full days alone together with her. Not once did he sit her down and discuss healthy veg choices, look at the websites I found for him or even take her to the store. Nothing. Why am I not surprised?

He then started complaining to me about how little she ate and her poor decision making in general, with oddness about doing anything at all, no seeing her friends, and her never wanting to go out to a restaurant.

YSD returning finally

Cover1W's picture

So YSD16 has been with BM most of the summer, from just after school was out (one long weekend here with DH at the end of June) until today.  No idea how long she's staying or what the plan is - of course! 

I have to say it's been a NICE relaxing summer. No worries about what she's going to eat/not eat, planning around her schedule, DH worrying about going to do things without her, etc.
