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Cover1W's picture


1.  P*ss on toilet seat.  Nothing more was on it/around toilet for the remainder of the week.  I don't know if DH or YSD was cleaning but WHATEVER. The cleaner fluid is now placed on the back of the toilet (classy) so I suspect DH is watching this.  I will be watcing as well and will step in if I find it again.

2. Trampoline. Yes, DH bought it and he and YSD set it up on the concrete pad in our backyard. I'm not freaking saying a word. Our insurance covers it so long as it's 6' from any tree or fence and all safety features are properly installed and used. Right now it's blocking the steps down to the pad and where I access the garden shed. It will be moved. I have kept my mouth 100% closed.

3. DH had to DRAG and cajole YSD to get her to 'remember' she had a trampoline. She was all exited about it before she went to BMs last week, came back, and was her usual sullen, silent self. DH said if she didn't mention anything about it he was done with it and what to do?  Me:  If you are asking the question RETURN IT.  DH:  Shocked look on his face.  Me:  (ignore, ignore, ignore). Anyway YSD did NOT mention it so DH did - of course!  We are certain her announcemnet of a trampoline was dissed at BMs hard. OSD wanted one for a looooong time but even DH disagreed with getting one then because OSDs attitude was so bad at that time.  Plus, BM = nothing good at dad's house. So DH was dealing with this which is why I think he caved.

4. YSD loves "Pi day." To the extent it's annoying and she made herself "pi" clothing. Yes, she is a math nerd. Which is cool. But it's ALL DAY ABOUT PI. And yes, that afternoon she wants to make a pie. But she didn't check our ingredients the day before. So I have only whole wheat flour which isn't good for the crust. We have no rolled oats, just steel cut. We have no VEGAN (trigger word for some of us!) butter.  Why VEGAN butter? Because she refuses to eat ANY milk product - she has a legit lactose intolerance like DH but she CAN eat small amounts like in baked goods. It's not an allergy. She refuses to use alternative milks (eats cereal dry).  She won't use butter even on toast (yes, dry). She can eat butter and milk - I cook with them and she's fine. She has even told her friends that "Oh, well, I can eat things like that in baked things...." (I over heard this last month when she was talking to a friend). 

So she has a small fit that we only have "butter." DH is like, yes, you can use it, you CAN eat it you know....etc., etc. YSD is not having it. She says, "At mommy's she buys VEGAN butter for us." It toook all my power to ignore this and I did. DH says, well we don't have it and you'll be fine; if you want to bake you will figure it out otherwise you won't - that's your choice.  He did not offer to go to the store for her! Yay!  She made some wierd muffin like 'mini pies" that didn't have enough sugar, too much cornstarch, no coating on the muffin tins so they were impossible to get out, no butter. They weren't bad just not that good.  And she burned the bottom of them. I asked if she used a recipe - of course not!!!  She's always too good for recipies!  I found a frozen one, uncovered, in the freezer.  That one is gone - no uncovered food in the freezer or fridge, period.

5. She comes back here on Thurs/Fri for another week after only a 3-4 day break. Tired. I will break open more wine as I forsee the future....


missgingersnap2021's picture

Its amazing how so many SM's on here have to even think about toilets and keeping them clean!! I told SD over 6 months ago that she would have to be resnsible for scrubbing her toilet with the TB cleaner. Dh bought a new TB scrubber for her bathroom and I make sure their is cleaner next to it under her sink. Well she does the bottom of the bowl but I noticed the other day the rim is DISGUSTING!!!1 It looks like a ring of diarrhea! I cant believe I have to show an almost 17 year old how to clean a toilet properly! 

OH and I would refuse to buy vegan butter. Tach her to use peanut butter, honey or jam on her toast.

Cover1W's picture

"peanut butter, honey or jam"

She won't eat any of those things. I don't get involved in her food choices's on her.

tog redux's picture

My mother's birthday is on Pi Day! Sorry, had to say that.

Maybe a sharp blow to the head on concrete will remind her how to use the toilet properly.

Cover1W's picture

Nothing bad will ever happen!  Head in sand....

Cover says to DH when they messed around in hotel rooms, jumping on beds and being hooligans, very rough, "They are going to damage something or hurt themselves."  DH "It's ok, they are just having fun."  1.  YSD huge lump on head and cryyyyying one day after they were doing jumps off the bed (my niece was there and was horrified about what was going on- same age as OSD - she was told she didn't have to do it if she didn't want to so she didn't). 2. YSD and OSD messing around in my sister's hotel room on our honeymoon and YSD ended up with a concussion.  No, we did not stop the honeymoon b/c my family had it under control - I would have been unforgivably angry if our honeymoon had been ended ON OUR WEDDING NIGHT due to SDs behavior. 3. YSD climbing trees, really high:  Cover, "Be careful because you can fall and hurt yourself, esp. if it's slippery you might not want to. DH, "She's just having fun and is a good climber."  1. Falls out of a slippery tree at BMs, injures her arm/wrist badly, not a break but darn close. Couldn't use it well for over a week.

so no, nothing could ever happen.


halo1998's picture

just saying....use crisco...used by every good southern momma...and it comes in butter flavor.  



1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 cup Crisco® All-Vegetable Shortening

4 to 8 tbsps. ice cold water or milk



IDontCare3117's picture

I remember when it was considered Unsouthern if you didn't have a tin of Crisco in the pantry.  

Winterglow's picture

"Oh my poor darling, how dreadfully limiting that must be for you ..."

And walk away leaving her to wonder whether that was an insult or not. 



caninelover's picture

Your SD and Bratty McBratFace can celebrate together.

I made a delicious non-vegan cherry pie with an all butter crust for SO and I to enjoy on Pi day Smile

Cover1W's picture

I know. LOL 

i can see where YSD is going already. She refuses to eat the most simple things she's always liked because now it's x, y or z. I just don't do food games.  DH is required to cook when she's here unless I want to cook something else (because the same two dishes in rotation for a week with minor variations gets to me).  And then that's it. You don't like it?  Make something for yourself. But she won't do that. She'll pick at her plate and go hungry rather than do something for herself. At least DH doesn't fall for that any longer either.

caninelover's picture

And what I told SO eventually as well.  If Bratty does visit again he's responsible for feeding her.

Its great that your DH won't pander to special snowflakes vegan demands.

MissK03's picture

Ah the good old cleaner out thinking someone will use it trick.... yeah doesn't work. Haha