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P*ss on toilet seat

Cover1W's picture

So this has been a thing again with YSD14.5. Yep, 14.5, closer to 15 really.

I don't use her / shared bath often because it's usually messy and not clean because it's too hard for DH to make her do it. Not a horror show, but I prefer not to enter.

Unless I have to. I came home this morning, DH is in our shower with door locked. I cannot wait. Go downstairs and seat is half covered in p*iss. "WTF!" I say rather loud.  "Why is there p*ss all over!" I clean it up because I HAVE to at this point.

I'm going to tell DH that he is NOT allowed to lock our bath door when SD is here and that if I see p*ss on that seat again I am going to read HER the riot act myself since he chooses to not deal with it.

It was a problem this summer at times as well. I cannot fathom it. Either she's doing it standing up or she's getting up without wiping. And so be it but do NOT leave your p*ss for someone else to clean up.

This is when I choose to not disengage if necessary.



The_Upgrade's picture

I used to threaten the visiting nephews that if they couldn't aim properly or wipe the seat after they're done I'm gonna chop off their bits so they'd have to sit down for a wee like a girl. Used to operate under the assumption that it was impossible for a girl to mess up the seat sitting down but there you go. You've managed to blast that assumption right out the water....

Cover1W's picture

In the car with DH:

Me: hey, if you are in the shower when YSD is here could you please not lock the door? I had to use the downstairs bathroom.

DH: oh, yes, sorry.

Me: ....because there was pee on the seat again, all over it, and I had to clean it up.

DH: sorry, what is that about?

Me: I don't care, but I'm not doing that again. I will make her clean it up if it happens again and I won't be so nice about it. It happened this summer and it wasn't addressed was it?

DH: well...why is she doing it? What is she doing?

Me: I don't give a cr*p about what she's doing so long as she cleans it up, it's disgusting and should never be left like that.

DH: Are you sure it's pee?

Me, this is when I started yelling: YES it was PEE. I am an adult and I know what I'm looking at. Why are you questioning ME?! 

DH: stop yelling at me, you get so mad sometimes.

Me: it's PEE and she's almost 15 it should not be happening. Or be happening again, this summer should have been the end of it. It's gross and it's not my fault! The h*ll....?!?

DH: ok fine. I'll find a way to work it into a conversation with her.

Me: ....happens again I deal with it the way I choose.

Fedupmama's picture

Make DH clean it up. I've gone on strike for ss's messes and let them sit there. It sucks, but nacho. I've stopped doing DH and ss's laundry, it has been a huge pile in the basement for about 2 months now. 

Cover1W's picture

I HAD to use the time I get YSD to do it. I will not stand for it at all. There's some things I will not disengage from; This grossness, back talk,  a dangerous situation like leaving the stove on and potential damage to home.

Survivingstephell's picture

She's old enough to clean her bathroom.  Make sure you leave some pee on the seat for her.  It's nearly impossible to stay disengaged when a skid interferes in your life. It's your home, you are the Alpha female in the house and IMO get to set the standards of cleaning.  You either scold her at the time with proof ( take a picture if you can't wait) or ride DH's butt about it until he parents. 

This is one of those minor annoyances but either he parents or makes you do it. His choice. 

Cover1W's picture

Oh I know about the old enough to clean and I 100% know it's on DH. Which is why I do not clean it ever. And if our cleaner cleans it he covers that portion of the cost.  I didn't take any BS from him today. Nope. Over the line.

halo1998's picture

this is one thing that Dh's bluntness comes in handy.  Dh would have addressed the next time he saw the skid.  His "working" it into the conversation would have..

F'n quit peeing ont the bathroom seat.  WTF are you doing in there?  Next time you will clean it and if it happens again you will clean it navy style...aka using your toothbrush.

GWR tested DH on he had a habit of peeing all over the f'n bathroom.  The other kids complained..(I never use that bathroom and the kids clean it).  They were tired of cleaning up piss off the toliet and unclogging the toliet (also GWR)...

DH made him clean it one time and then next time he caught him...handed him to toothbrush and toilet cleaner and told GWR start cleaning. DH stood there and watched while GWR cleaned the whole bathroom with his toothbrush.  GWR never pissed on the toliet again at our house.  At Beaver's he pisses into bottles and leaves them in his room since he too lazy to haul his ass up from the basement to take a piss.

tog redux's picture

My DH would have addressed it like this too. I imagine he did a few times before I met SS, because SS never missed the bowl or left the seat up - EVER, or even left his towel on the floor. He had clearly been trained (and BM might get credit too - but I know how DH parents, and peeing on the seat and leaving it there wouldn't have been "worked into conversation" in our house, either).

MissK03's picture

I have suggested toothbrush cleaning for situations like that. i wish my SO would make them like your DH did. I think it's a fair punishment! 

MissK03's picture

Ughhh piss on the seat has been a issue for me and has caused fights in our house. How your SD is doing it is kind of mind boggling. 

SD complains too. So, it's not just me. SO makes them clean when he catches it.

SteppedOut's picture

"How she is doing it is kind of mind boggling."


I would say it is on purpose (passive aggressive) to make OP mad. 

Cover1W's picture

No, I don't think it's to make me mad. She's likely just doing something dumb and not thinking. When she was younger this was a bigger problem in that she was in such a hurry to get back to what she was doing that she peed and got out of there as fast as possible. No wiping. I suspect something similar now but I'm only going to address the pee not the behavior at this point.

SteppedOut's picture

At 14 she can't properly use the toilet?? Is she mentally slow? I'm not trying to be sarcastic...seriously. This is rediculous.

Cover1W's picture

I know, I know. I have never been allowed any sort of 'parent' role so although I saw these issues early on I could do nothing. I disengaged years ago and only address things that affect me directly. Nothing else I can do.

I suspect YSD has a mild form of autism due to other things but after mentioning it to DH once I'm out.