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So as time goes on and I continue to NOT help DP is imploding.
Which I expected.
And which makes me even more disengaged.


* He didn't maintain or fix some things on his car, which resulted in us having only my car for a week. We don't live in an area with easy bus service, so it's caused issues and mostly MY schedule being disrupted. I got all over DP the other day 'cause the poor man missed 3 days of his "hard" exercise. I reminded him, not so nicely, that it was a) his fault in the first place and b) I'm missing almost a WEEK so don't come crying to me.

* We have almost no food in house to cook with (because I don't have the car...I do believe getting SD10 to school is a priority so agreed her school time comes first). Or for SDs lunches. I've been watching their lunch items dwindle and don't remember the last time DP got any fruit or anything healthy. SD10 went to school today with rice and pretzels.
DP randomly complained to me about it and I shrugged.
He went to the store two days ago and got stuff only for himself.
I'm going to the store today and only getting stuff for my dinner tonight and tomorrow.

* I took over Key Control in the house.
Gave a little talk and demo to SD12 about it last week.
DP interrupted me while I was talking with her and said, "I already discussed this with her." I said, "And I am doing it again."
I know he didn't tell her much because she sure was listening to me.
THEN this morning, I realized the extra house key was gone...I haven't had time to put it out yet. I asked DP. "Oh, I put it under the mat for SD12." Me, "Why?!" DP, "In case she doesn't have her key." Me, "WHY would she NOT HAVE HER KEY?" DP, "Well, you want an extra key for that situation, right?" Me, "I am NOT discussing this with you right now..." I had to leave for work.
See? This is why I don't discuss SDs with him any more. ANYTHING gets turned around and my fault.
If HIS daughter isn't responsible it's not MY fault for wanting to maintain house security.
And I will change ALL the locks in the house on his dime if either of those keys goes missing.

* SD12 was talking with me last night...brings up her grades. She gets straight-A's all the time. Super smart, likes school. She asks me about Disneyland. I say that I don't have any interest in going. She's surprised. I don't care, don't want to go. SD12 says neither does SD10. THEN "Daddy promised me if I got straight As he'd take me to Disneyland." My brain about exploded. She doesn't need bribes!
I kept calm, "That's nice."
Meanwhile, DP had been complaining to me earlier in the day about his commuting costs b/c of SD10s schedule (which he could easily cut down on but precious can't possibly wait in the cheap after school program because she 'hates it there.'). NOPE.
He had mentioned something about he and SD12 doing something this summer, but I had NO idea this was it.
He has NO tract with me on money complaints at this point. We have a week long trip planned in April and a week long trip planned in Aug/Sept. Both with SDs. And he wants to give SD12 MORE?

- I am so glad our finances are separate and will remain separate.
- I did bring up initial discussion of him wanting me to parent but undermining me when I try. He listened for about 30 seconds and changed subject. But not in a mean way so I'll bring it up again for sure. Because he's frustrated he has to do everything. Yeah, that's the point.
- He bought light bulbs for the house (on his to-do list since May). Pending installation...?
- He put a monthly reminder on his calendar to clean the SDs bathroom at the end of each month. Of course, HE'LL be cleaning, not SDs.

Meanwhile, tomorrow I'll be back on my regular routine.
And it's so nice to not be involved.


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After the convo with SD12 last night, I poured myself another "healthy sized" glass of vino, watched one of my shows, didn't budge when SD10 and DP arrived. It got loud, I finished show episode, then took me, my wine and my phone to the bedroom (where I found my charge cord missing again so had to hunt it down...I remedied that situation this morning...don't effing touch my charger/cord) where I watched another episode, played a game. DP, "Are you mad at me?" oh, he knows when I'm mad...
I just told him I'd rather not talk at the moment please.
If I opened my mouth I'd be fully raging engaged so had to let it go for the time being.

Cover1W's picture

Actually, he and I have a good relationship - it's skewed on here because sometimes I just need to vent. DP treats me overall very well, helps me out with a lot (I'd like more but who wouldn't), and is a very sweet man.

We can talk about most things together, but we are embarking on more difficult situations as SDs are getting older and they are still being treated the same way as when they were 7/9.

For the most part, I enjoy being around the SDs, they aren't too bad really but DP is just clueless sometimes and I think he's so worried about SD12 "growing up" he's trying to protect her even more. He said to me once that 'she had a hard time during the divorce' (6 years ago) so essentially she needs to be handled with kid gloves, which I constantly call BS on.

We're trying to work through how we all live together and it's hard...which is why I am here.

I used to be SUPER involved and it was exhausting, so my disengaging has been a huge change to the dynamic...I do not want to be a rescuer and on some level DP knows this.

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I was so tired and done talking for the day that I just couldn't even go there about the Disney thing. We'll be discussing that and other issues this weekend.

I do want an extra key out for the house, but I want it in a secure location so that's being taken care of tonight.

* I came home last night - SD12 was home first as usual. In her bedroom, front door unlocked.
She comes up to chat and I discuss with her right away that she must lock that door and why. And I asked her, "Didn't your Dad discuss this with you?" NOPE.

I'm sure all DP said was, "Please try to remember to maybe, perhaps, lock the door when you leave..." Entirely missing the points of why and potential ramifications to herself and the entire family and the household if she doesn't...
