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Chaotic two first days of school

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So school finally started yesterday.

1) DP has no car right now. His was having major issues and plus some at the beginning of summer. Did he take care of it over the summer? No. Is the total cost to fix the car very large at this point? Yes. Is the car just sitting in the shop? Yes. Do we actually NEED two cars? Yes. Are we using only my car? Yes.

2) DP had not made after-school plans for SD9 when it's his day to pick her up. He's known about this situation for about a week or so. Yesterday he had to scramble to find someone to pick her up. He succeeded by the skin of his teeth. Today? Same thing, but the scramble was this morning. I agreed to take her in but he had to figure out what the plan was tonight. Turns out I'll pick her up at another friend's house. Has he turned in the after-school care form? No. Am I doing this next week? No. It messes up MY schedule due to HIS car issues that weren't done AND his lack of taking care of SD9 afternoon hours.

3) Tupperware that is in back pantry with food in it since Wednesday last week? Some still there. Apparently SD11 retrieved some of it yesterday. Left hair pins, crap and an empty, open brand-new tupperware container scattered all over the place. All that mess in trash now. I didn't pay for tupperware; that's for DP to deal with. The other bag is still there, fermenting away.

4) DP has a new job in which he's missed two meetings b/c he cannot get his schedule figured out. Just a note he does have ADHD which he is medicated for. But man, when he goes off the rails he really messes up and doesn't see it until it's over. Then he panics. I'm helping him today so he freaking gets his shit together - told him so before I left this morning. Yes, DP, at most workplaces you read ALL your emails! That way you know what's going on.

I may stop by the store tonight on way home and pick up a nice bottle of Oregon Pinot Noir and something, make myself a burger and a salad, alone. Wink