Are most 11 boys this annoying? LOL
Ok, so I am brand new to this sight. I must say that I am extremely happy and relieved that I found my way here though! Here is my story: I have been in a relationship for the past 2 years with my bf. We live together in the home that he purchased a few months after we met and decided that we were committed to taking the next step together. He has 2 sons from a previous marriage. One is 16 and the other 11. We also have 1 child together - an 8 month old son. Currently he shares 50/50 custody with his ex and the days of the week are split between our home and hers. Weekends are rotated. For the most part, the skids are not too much of an issue. They are not babies (thank God) and I don't have to worry about raising someone else's child. And the SS16 is super easy going and really not that much of a P.I.T.A. lol But the SS11 is the total opposite. He is so babyfied it's ridiculous! He is constantly up either my bf or my ass 24/7 when he is with us. He can not entertain himself whatsoever and whines continuously to get his Dad's undivided attention. If my bf has to run down the street to get gas, SS11 is literally at his heels demanding to go with him. And my bf is a total "DisneyDad" who gives into his kids every demand. There is absolutely no discipline at all on bf's part. BF has mentioned that growing up he had a pretty rough childhood with his father - and the discipline was borderline abusive. So now bf inflicts no discipline and the skids walk all over him. For the most part, the kids aren't running through the house uncontrollably - but when they do act up - bf completely lets it go. And the SS11 is a master manipulator. He knows all he has to do is walk away pouting when he doesn't get his way and daddy will come to the rescue! It makes me want to scream! And as I mentioned before- we have an infant son together and I will not raise my child this way! So I guess my 1st question is, are all 11yr old boys this bratty and annoying? Is it something in the age? I would really appreciate any / all feedback on this!
- Coopers_Mommy's blog
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No, they are not. Sorry, but
No, they are not. Sorry, but your DH needs to grow a pair...but as you'll see if you keep reading this board, that in itself is a very common issue.
Thanks for your response - it
Thanks for your response - it made me smile! I do see that tends to be the trend on this site - the DH needing to grow a pair! And when it comes to anything or anyone else, he def. has a brass pair...but not with his children. I really think he is so damn preoccupied with trying to forever make it up to them b/c he and BM are divorced and she is a less than mediocre parent, that he doesn't see their behavior as wrong. He is a super dad to all 3 of the children and even took on a brand new full time job as soon as he retired from his other one to ensure that his children would be very well provided for. The skids have everything, and i mean everything that they ask for. Both of these boys have 47inch flat screen tv's mounted on their bedroom walls! I was happy to have some time to watch the common living room tv when I was growing up! LOL I mean the list of material items that he has provided for them is unreal - but he does this b/c he knows that their BM never would. She has quite the alcohol problem and only worries about herself. She uses the insane amount of CS that she gets from DH every month on herself. She refuses to provide for the kids clothing, shoes, etc... So instead of purchasing things here and there for the boys, DH tends to purchase items that I don't feel any adolescent / teen child needs (or deserves) very frequently. But this is where I have started to learn to disengage b/c #1 It's not my money & #2 If DH wants to raise the skids to grow up and be ungrateful and with a sense of entitlement - that's his problem. As long as our BS also receives the equal amount that his half brothers do. And DH treats all 3 equally. On the flip side though - our bs will grow up with a mother who cares about him and will teach him the value of a dollar unlike the skids. So in that right our bs is already much farther ahead.
Absoulutely not! My house is
Absoulutely not! My house is a mirror image. We have a 1 yr old together, SS11 and my son12.
I know MANY 11 year old boys who do not WHINE :sick: MANIPULATE :sick: or need constant ATTENTION :sick: .
Your BF needs to impliment some discipline asap or you will be sentences to a life time of :sick: !
I have been with my SO for 5 1/2 years, living together for 2. I recently defined Disneyland Dad for my SO. Explained to him the difference between punishment, abuse and discipline. I also very calmly advised him that he was not doing his son any favors by allowing him to be manipulative etc. Are his bosses going to tolerate this in adult hood? Will he maintain any long term friendships? NO AND NO!
I laid out my expectations with discipline and explained that I could not allow my newest son to be raised in this enviornment as it was not acceptable parenting for me. I told him (and I meant it)that if he didn't step up and start PARENTING I was going to have no choice but to leave. It wasn't a threat. It was a choice I was going to make. He needs to be a parent first. He can be ss's friend when he is grown. From that point forward, it was his choice.
Things are little better - if my SO can be a little more consistent, SS might begin to realize the expectations and the consequences for not meeting the expectations. Plus, after findig this site, I am learning to disengage, which is also helping tremendously!
It's nice to hear that
It's nice to hear that someone else understands where I'm coming from! BF and I have had the conversation many times about my expectations on raising our bs. However, when I say anything to him in regards to the lack of discipline he shows the skids it usually results in a disagreement. BF believes that b/c his kids are good kids - not into drugs & for the most part respectful of adults - that I am overreacting to their actions. I disagree! I don't feel that I should have to tell an 11 yr. old to stop doing something that he shouldn't be doing (putting his bare feet all over my 8 month old's toys- which go directly in his mouth) more than 1 time. I mean I am literally telling ss11 this at least 1 time per week during his stay with us. And if I pull BF aside to talk over the issue - he gets pissy with me and says that he already heard the original conversation so there is no need to keep rehashing it! WTF! So I of course have a smart ass comeback and tell him to teach his son some manners! These type of arguments tend to leave BF and I mad at eachother and not speaking for a day or so. It's ridiculous. I don't know how he expects me to live in this home which he purchased by himself but still considers "ours" and have a vote on everything else, except disciplining the skids. So I find myself not giving a shit and when ss11 puts his grimy feet on the baby toys, I tend to get really smart with him about it & use a less than friendly tone when telling him not to do it again. It becomes a vicious little cycle that has me counting down the days/hours/minutes/seconds to when the skids get to return to bm! And it sucks b/c if it wasn't for ss11 being such a brat and bf being totally braindead when it comes to discipline - family life here would be rather nice!
Glad to hear it's not normal.
Glad to hear it's not normal. With a mirror situation myself, anytime I complain that SS nearly 11 is acting just as yours does and I don't want my 1 yr old to ever act that way...I'm told that he will because "that's normal for a boy".
Generally just happy to hear that not all boys at about 11 act like demonic 3 yr old girls, so perhaps I won't somday hate my own son.
My thoughts exactly!
My thoughts exactly!
Your 11 year old is playing
Your 11 year old is playing the same game my SS10 was doing when he was 6. It is two things: Disney or Guilty Daddy not doing any discipline and BM having her little "baby". BM STILL picks out SS10's clothes when he's there. I dont' do it here and half of the time she says "He looks like a ragamuffin"... he picked it out, not my fault.
BM has come to accept it and SS10 LOVES that I give him responsibility. He says it makes him feel grown up. 
I couldn't agree more with
I couldn't agree more with you! It's a mix of both guilt and Disney! SS11 still sleeps in bed with BM! That is crazy! And he often tries to get BF to let him sleep on our brand new couches in the living room instead of sleeping in his bedroom that is complete with brand new bedroom set, a brand new oversized recliner, brand new 47 inch flat screen wall mounted tv, and x-box gaming system! Spoiled brat! And BF will usually cave at least 1 day that ss11 is staying with us and he gets to park his overweight butt in the living room! It drives me crazy! I on the otherhand am strict with the skids when BF is away for work and tell him either sleep in your room or when the baby outgrows his room (the smallest of the kids bedrooms) he will be taking it for himself and ss11 can have the small room! LOL SS11 gets so mad! And even though it's childish - i get a nice chuckle out of it! }:)
Yeah, I'll confess. My almost
Yeah, I'll confess. My almost 11-year old son sometimes acts like a toddler. He sometimes whines or has a fit. I was a single mom for much of his life and his Dad is a complete Disney Dad that lives about 3 hours away. Between us we have probably ruined him with spoiledness and inconsistent discipline. But the rest of the time my son is really sweet and clever and trying to behave better and because he is my kid I love him no matter what, just like you'll love your BS no matter what.
Hopefully through calm, rational discussion you and your FDH can come to some agreement on how to parent your little guy, which is what parents have to do regardless of whether there are skids to compare to or not. My son's Disney Dad is not really a horrible guy and when we were together we managed, with the aid of some parenting books, to to be pretty effective and consistent at parenting together until we split up when my son was about 5.
Oh, and to my knowledge my son has acted very polite and decent to the couple of serious girlfriend's his dad has had over the years (I'm actually acquainted with one of them). And he doesn't act up for my SO either. Or his teachers or coaches. Pretty much I know his Dad and I evolved into crappy parents, so if you are already this self aware and watching for potential pitfalls, I think you and FDH will do just fine with your son
Thank you for the vote of
Thank you for the vote of confidence in my early parenting skills. I absolutely adore our son and feel it would be such a let down to him if I dropped the ball with parenting him. BF is an awesome father to all of his children and I am blessed to have such a loving man as a partner & parent for BS. The skids are polite and they are for the most part respectful of me. I guess my main issue with them is that they manipulate their dad and they have zero responsibility at our home. Honestly, I have recently started to disengage while they are around and it isn't that bad! I used to fret over the house getting messed up after I had spent hours cleaning it - but not anymore. Now, I spend much less time cleaning the house and really only put 100% effort into it when the skids are not going to be with us for a few days. And I no longer walk around picking up after them - if my SO has to do it, then he gets pissy with the skids and I get to do a secret happy dance. haha. I'm amazed at how easy it has been for me to disengage from the skids. The only time I get involved now is when it is something that involves my BS. And I can admit that when it comes down to the baby - I am a ferocious Mamma Bear! God help the skid who does baby brother wrong