So over this flipping skid
So some very exciting news, my BS17 is flying in tomorrow for a 10 day visit!!!
When he visits, he stays in SS's room and sleeps on the bottom bunk bed. Sooooooooooooooo this means I've been in SS's room making sure it isn't a sh*t hole before my son arrives. THAT has lead to the discover of *drum roll*:
His school bag was full of assignments either a. never completed or b. partially completed. Either way, obviously, none of it was turned in. No wonder his grades are horrible! This even included some pre-GSCE work as well! This coming September is SS's last regular school year before earning his GSCE's. Which is the US equivalent of a high school diploma basically. In England, they earn a GCSE (qualification aka a grade) for each subject. So it is super important that he does this work and studies.
I then made him check the online homework portal. Ready for this? THIRTY-SIX ASSIGNMENTS NOT DONE. Thirty-flipping-six!!! So this, in total, is roughly FIFTY assignments all together. So what the heck he's been doing every day after school in homework club is beyond me. Nevermind the fact that he NEVER does any homework at home. But, hey, what do I know, right? *eyeroll*
So now we've made it very very clear that he WILL complete these assignments over the summer break. Even told BM2 about it and she agrees. Thank all the stars in the galaxy, SS is going to Cyprus to visit BM2 in August. We are making him complete the paper assignments first so there's less to take with him on the plane. He can then do the work on the portal.
This has been the drama over the last couple of days. I made it clear to him that he will finish all of these before next school year starts. The reality of this must've hit him because he spent about 20 minutes at the dining table. Just staring at the online portal with a hopeless, vacant stare.
FML. This skid WILL get his qualification and WILL become a productive member of society!!! He absolutely WILL NOT live with us forever!!! Sh*t the facking bed. Someone shoot me.
- Cooooookies's blog
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Where was dad in all of this?
Where was dad in all of this?
DH told him the same,
DH told him the same, informed BM2 and everything. Where was DH during the last 6 school years that SS has done the exact same thing? In Disney Dad Land, of course, making sure little snowflake stays precious.
DH is plopping himself because time is running out and his son is becoming the failure he's always taught him to be... and he doesn't like it.
Gads, Cooooookies! It's
Gads, Cooooookies! It's refreshing to hear that your DH AND BM2 are on board with this. Miracles do happen!
BM2 had always been on board.
BM2 had always been on board. She is all about education. She has a masters degree. For all her crazy, she is book smart and pro education all the way.
It is my DH I've always had to fight. He is always more concerned with making SS happy. Plus, honestly, he is a lazy parent. DH knows that SS needs a good education and responsibilities and accountability. All of that goes against the grain of being a lazy, coddling Disney Dad.
DH is on board now but it's only been a few days. I guarantee when SS starts school and I keep the ps4 box from him until he finishes his school work? The Disney Dad and guilt will start creeping in.
I am NOT backing down anymore... or disengaging. This is my future being determined now and it will not include a failing loser skid living with us forever. I will threaten telling BM2 just how ridiculous he gets. DH knows she'd kick his butt if she were to know the truth of what he's been allowing!!
I hear you. At this point,
I hear you. At this point, your future happiness is on the line if your DH reverts to Disney Dad caca.
You’re so very nice and such
You’re so very nice and such a good SM. I’d just throw it all into the trash. Not my kid to worry about.
It has nothing to do with
It has nothing to do with being nice... or concerned. I simply just REFUSE to have a failing lazy loser skid living at home forever. No flipping way!!!
Sounds like all 3 of my skids
And yet YSS 15.5 somehow weasled out of summer school this year. The Gir probably told school admin that he was going to be on an "educational" holiday which would be in lieu of summer school. . .