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DH notices a woman's food shopping

Cooooookies's picture

He just finished telling me about a woman's shopping cart he'd seen this morning.  "She has 4 boxes of chocolatey, sugary cereal.  Then she had packs of cookies and donuts and everything sugary."

I just stared at him and said "Really?!  Because that sounds like EXACTLY the foods you buy for SS16.  Then get weird with me when I suggest you buy him some branflakes or cheerios instead.  If it looks bad in her cart, it's not any better in yours."

Honestly, how are they so blind?!  Yes, SS will eat fruit and veg now but just recently.  Also, if he is given free choice of something to eat...he'll never choose the healthy option.  He only eats it if it's served in front of him for dinner.

Whatever though.  Not my skid, not my problem.


Monkeysee's picture

Got to love the double standards. I've got no time for crap like that, DH definitely hears about it when he pulls this sh*t!

justmakingthebest's picture


I am sure his face was a priceless look of confusion! 

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Things like this are why I do the grocery shopping. We have some snacks... But I'm a fairly healthy eater. And unlimited sugary EVERYTHING is not going to fly.

Siemprematahari's picture

It's so easy to judge and comment on someone else and not look at your own.....

Glad you called him out on it!

Willow2010's picture

when I suggest you buy him some branflakes or cheerios instead.


 Im still trying to wrap my head around  Cheerios are not bad for you are they?  And what person, much less a teenager, wants to eat branflakes.  lol

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

I think it's her supporting the healthier options and him never doing it. The Cheerios were one of the healthier options she suggests that he won't get.

I don't think most teens do... 

Cooooookies's picture

I suggest these to DH instead if the chocolate sugary stuff he buys SS.  Might not be ideal but it would be a huge improvement.  I find bran flakes tastes really good but I'm an oddball Smile

Willow2010's picture

I read that as you wanted him to get brand flakes NOT Cherrios.  lol.  Whoops.  I don't know anyone that LIKES brand flakes until now.  lol.  

Cover1W's picture

DH used to complain about people's 'out of control' kids at restaurants when only he and I were out.

The first time he did this I started at him for a few seconds with my mouth open. Then laughed. And said, "But it's ok is SDs do it because 'they are just kids'?  Do you hear yourself?!"

I mean, I stopped going to restaurants with them for a loooooong time, like 1.5 years b/c SDs were so out of control. I still dislike going to restaurants with them because they just act...wierd.