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As a note, I said this from my current emo-perspective and it gives the impression that SO is uninvolved which is not the case even a little. SO actually does more with the home and kids because working three jobs gives me weird hours. But the time I'm with the kids is . Anywho, rambling rant, GO!

I am so sick and tired of these children. It was hard for me to come to terms with not liking them. It was hard for me to admit it and then figure out a way to try and rebuild the relationship so that I wouldn't me stressed out every time I was with them. But I just don't want to. I want them both to go away and never come back, because they have no desire to be decent people. I don't expect much. Come home, do your homework, do your chores, go have fun and play with your friends, eat dinner, play some more, go take a bath, and quiet time before bed. This shouldn't be a battle. I shouldn't be wanting to beat the snot out of them to get them to do simple tasks.

My SO and I are working extremely hard to better our lives. I work three part time jobs (absolute shit hours for all three) and am a full time student. SO works one demanding full time job, does side-work, and is also a full time student. We have 50/50 custody and we are absolutely on the ball when it comes to managing our time so we can excell in every role we take on, so when the kids are here and throw a hinge in things because they manage to fuck up taking out the trash or take forever to do homework because "we don't have to do this when at extremelyfuckingignorantgoodfornothingasshole's house" (not a super-exact quote Smile ), I get pissed off. What's worse is that they can't skip homework. If you don't do it one night, it gets sent home again in addition to doing regular homework. So when they come to our house, they have 2 nights worth of extra work to do because extremelyfuckingignorantgoodfornothingasshole is a terrible parent.

I DON'T WANT TO SPEND MY AFTERNOON FIGHTING. I have other shit I need to get done. I'm at a hard point, though. I don't like the idea of disengaging. I definitely do not like my step children. There is no love and at this rate, there never will be. But the thought of letting them grow up to be entitled little shits disgusts me even more. I would not like who I was as a person if I just decided it was too much for me to handle and that I should let the responsibility of their upbringing while here fall solely onto my SO.

SO YES, I'M GOING TO TELL YOU TO WIPE THE FUCKING COUNTER AGAIN, BECAUSE THE JUICE YOU SPILLED THIS MORNING IS STILL THERE AND YOU DIDN'T DO A GOOD JOB THE FIRST TIME. If you're content with scrubbing toilets for a career, then yes, half-assing is a fine way to conduct your business. Just don't expect SO and I to pay for your living expenses when you grow up. Extremelyfuckingignorantgoodfornothingasshole won't be able to do it either, because they don't pay their OWN bills and certainly won't be able to pay yours. If you want to have nice things, you need to work for them. They are certainly old enough where having this fight is absolutely ridiculous.

i've puttered out. all the angst and fire has drained away as quickly as it flared up. so and i are at our wits ends with them. they don't want to be responsible. they are 100% sure that grandparents will pay for their living expenses like they do with extremelyfuckingignorantgoodfornothingasshole. they don't realize that it's not going to happen.

i don't know how to adjust. so and i know that something needs to change on our end; we're the ones who have set the expectations. the kids don't care. we won't bend on school, and neither of us like the idea of not having them do chores as it's basically them cleaning up THEIR mess, but it's just something extra that we always have to fight over and no incentive we've provided has ever worked. there is no reason that they should be so inept when it comes to doing their homework and cleaning up the messes they've made. every time i think of that, the thought of SO and I changing something on our end just pisses me off! There's no reason for our expectations to change. The extent of the laziness of these children just baffles me, because that's what it is. They are lazy and entitled and want everything done for them.

