Happy Friday!!!
Thanks for yet another round of sound advice. It is sososoosso appreciated
And maybe someone else read my post, along with the advice and it helped someone else.
Today I am taking a half day vacay. Getting myself purdy for a concert tonight with DH. Its sort of a "re-boot situation", and I am looking forward to it, even though Im not a HUGE country fan, but this guy is fairly hugely famous. Hint: Taylor Swift wrote a song about him and Hint #1: Its NOT a song about someone she dated or hated. Hint #3: Ima live like I was dyin.
Last year, we went to see Gwen Stefanis beau, DH was SO.
Last year, we ubered to location 1.1 mi away, and discovered when we got there that I had left the tix at home.
Last year, Toxic Troll had been invited to MIL's birthday (she has a bit of dementia, TT was picking up munchkin sd13 from her home...) and was telling SO that she was planning on going.
Last year, I made Munchkin SD then 12 cry because I said that daddys family did not want her mother at the bday (it was true, but yah my bad. Ooops not a perfect SM!)
Last year, due to stress of the above, then SO drank some whisky (hes not a drinker and hadnt eaten!) and then everyone at concert bought him drinks!!! Strangers!!!!
Last year, 3 songs into concert headliners set, SO got sick, we ubered home, he almost yakked in car, and ended up curled up in a fetal position on the br floor.
Last year was the worst! So heres to today! Happy Friday and may you all have at least a peacefull weekend, at best a wonderful one.
Love to all,
- CLove's blog
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