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4th of July and Birthday shenanigans

CLove's picture

Greetings fellow Steptalkers!

I just thought I would check in to say howdy to the new folks and give an update for the "regulars", Biggrin

This week so far has been really really nice. The weather has been perfect - hovering around mid 70's-low 80's with fresh breezes coming in even 30 miles away from the ocean. Havent had any beach days since last Sunday, but Im planning on at least 2 this week.

Yesterday was a vacation day. Husband took a day off too and we slept in, ate well, and just relaxed in the sun in the backyard. Its a fairly small plot of land and the back yard is a fairly small part of that, but it was SUCH a nice day and we were being LAZY Biggrin

We laughed, I danced, we dug a hole, we sunbathed and ate home made thai coconut milk soup. I missed that so much.

Today its back to the work grind, and Im jamming along catching up and getting things done. That why Im on here right now Acute

Im making my plans for this week into the weekend (my number 56!) and its going to be hectic but fun. I have just done my hair color myself for the first time in around 20 years if I recall correctly. I either pay for it from a professional or pay for it to my husband who is very detailed and thorough (roots are hard folks! And I have long unruly curly hair)

Im planning to attend the parade in the morning of downtown on Thursday, after parking my well-stocked cooler and blanket and chair by the town hall bandstand for the music in the afternoon. Husband is fishing and hes not too hot for parades anyway. Its become his tradition to fish with friends and then come home exhausted and we cook something and figure it out from there.

Later there is a big show of fireworks nearby us, but Ive always watched from our front yard, and the entire Dusty Ag Town lights up from all over, so staying at home at night is a bit more cozy. No need to fight crowds and drivers going crazy. Have our adult beverages at home too.

Havent heard a word from SD18 Princess Powersulk DO Nada. My best guess is that all those years I used to take her to the big parade Downtown made an impression and she will gather her friend group and go do that. And then whatever.For some reason last year she wanted to hang with us and a friend of husband wanted to bring his young daughter over and light fireworks in our streeet (like our nieghbors do!) and it was ok. She was kind of being a brat if I recall because of a skirmish we had had over my netflix account.

So, no news is good news fine folks. Oh and Sd25 Feral Forger is currently in love, with get this, a CAR GUY LIKE HER DADDY! I kid you not. Shes gotten away from her negative and went all gushy "im in lurv wid dis guy right her!" With all the heart emojis and "he gets me" memes.

Good, maybe he will support her and give her money...and maybe she will get her head out of her b@tt and stop being such an abusive lying narc! And Pigs will fly too...

The rest of the week will be bday preparationings...

For my birthday on Saturday so far I have organized a dinner with just my parents and Husband at a wonderful seafood place right overlooking the ocean - a family favorite and its going to be an early dinner at 4 so husband can take me dancing afterwords.

Other than that, the weekend is open and full of possibilities. And gorgeous weather Biggrin

How is everyone? What are your plans for my US folks?


Lillywy00's picture

Eat myself into a food coma lol (completely blow my diet off) then possibly regret it later ... or not lol

Enjoy a relationship-destroying-skid-free holiday thankful that no conniving BM / spineless Disney Dad will mess up my plans by last minute dumping their kids. (I don't mind the kids but I DO mind the last minute custody and lack of home-training)

Probably catching some fireworks with the bio and sashaying around in a skimpy bikini whilst avoiding any reality of having to return back to "slave" labor for sociopathic employers after said holiday  


JRI's picture

Sounds like your're living a peaceful life right now.  FF must be moving forward in life, getting a bf.  Lots of times, that, in itself, propels people to do things like get a job, get a drivers license, etc. in  order to further their relationship.  And, no nrws is good news with the younger girl.  All is good.

I'm in a quiet period, too.  Tomorrow, I'm seeing DH's granddaughter, M, and her 2 little kids.  He's still mad at her for her lack of response to SD62 but regardless, I still want to see her and the kids. I can jnderstand where she"s coming from and I understand him, too.  Family.....

la_dulce_vida's picture

Sounds like a lovely next few days for you!! Oh, and Happy Birthday!!! I'm only a couple of years older than you. I hope your birthday celebration is wonderful and nothing interferes with it.

My 4th will start with a bike ride at Antietam (Civil War Battlefield) with some friends. Followed by a picnic with some kayaking girls, including two of my closest friends.

Friday, I work a 1/2 day (womp womp), but then I'm headed to a beautiful place in West Virginia with one of my closest friends. It's a place I learned about through my XH2. I traveled there with my sons in 2018 and went back in 2019 with XBF. He and I visited there a few times over the years and I really grew to love the alpine climate. The area is what's referred to as a "cold sink." So when it's 90 degrees everywhere else, it can be 10-20 degrees cooler there........and just a few days ago they registered morning temps in the low 30s. It has been known to snow in the summertime. We'll go up and check out some hiking trails, catch a live show in the next town over and visit the waterfalls in the state park. Good food and good beer, too. I'm really looking forward to it.

Thanks for the update. I hope Pouty stays clear of you for a good while.

ESMOD's picture

Happy Birthday Clove!

Sounds like a good plan.  My only advice would be to NOT allow your SD to join in on that dinner.. or the other plans.. 

Weekend plans here... it will be hot.. we have had a few days dip a bit lower with cooler evenings.. but I think that is passing.  Our small town has  gala fireworks show (parade too.. but we don't go).. and it goes off directly across from our property where we keep our boats.. so we usually stay there.. sit on the back of our yacht and watch the fireworks.. occasionally other people come over.. my SD's and their family.. but we have tried to be more limiting in recent years.. because they would often invite friends.. people we don't know and I was not a huge fan of that.. so last year it was just me, DH and that was great!

We can stay on the boat.. so we also don't have to worrry about driving home after a few beers..haha.


classyNJ's picture

weekend to you!  You are a few months behind me :) 

Sounds like you have some wonderful plans!

DH and I have a 4 day  weekend.  Tomorrow mom is coming over for a BBQ.  Nothing huge since it is 90 something here and very humid so will be eating inside.  Friday a friend is having a pool party, Saturday and Sunday mornings at the beach and back at home to sit on the deck and watch the birds.

Harry's picture

Good for the SK having a life.  Doing things on there own.  Spending there own money.  All that money you are saving. You can afford a week cruise. Or a week at an all inclusive hotel in Mexico.  By yourselfs.  Adult vacation. No SK.


Cover1W's picture

I'll be working most of the day today, but told my direct reports to log off a couple hours early if nothing was going on. We're all working on Friday too, it will be super slow so I can get loads done without interruption. Then a friend is coming over so I'll jet out of work early and go swim and have dinner with her.

Tomorrow I'll be hanging out solo (DH vising relatives) then I'll head to a big fireworks show only about a mile from our house, bringing some wine and snacks and hopefully meet up with some neighbors.

Rest of weekend I have no idea! Which is good!

Rags's picture

Feasting and froliking on the dance floor looks good on you CLove.  

Happy birthday!

Happy July 4th.

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