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How do you ignore a crazy ex wife

Christinas's picture

Sad My DH and his ex wife have been divorced for 15 years and the two children they have are grown. One has a mental condition but doesn't live with either parent. The other is spoiled rotten at the age of 25. The Ex wife is always in our business she has nothing but bad things to say about me. Mind you I had nothing to do with their divorce I didnt even know them. My DH says that's his kids mother and that's why he puts up with it he also said he feels sorry for her. We just had a baby 6 months ago so now I'm The mother of his child and He should defend me or just not talk to the hateful lady. Nope that doesn't happen instead I find out he has brought my son to this ladies house to meet her. Why? Because he didn't like her saying bad things about his son and he wanted her to see that he is jut an innocent child... Are you kidding me this just opened up a door for her to be even more spiteful. I'm ready to give up!


Willow2010's picture

I find out he has brought my son to this ladies house to meet her. Why? Because he didn't like her saying bad things about his son and he wanted her to see that he is jut an innocent child...
I don't have many deal breakers ....but...this would be one for me. It sounds like your DH is more crazy than the ex wife. Sorry

DaizyDuke's picture


I made it perfectly clear when our BS2 was born that he is NEVER, EVER to be within a 100 mile radius of either psycho BM. They wanna screw skids up and act like jackwagons on a daily basis, let 'em, but MY son will not EVER be in their presence.. EVER!

And I really don't get why your DH still converses with this woman when the skids are grown??? Unless they are getting married, arrested, terminally ill or something of that nature, I see NOOOOO reason why he would need to speak to BM. That would be another deal breaker for me.

purpledaisies's picture

Your problem isn't the ex it is your dh! He is the one that needs to stop engaging with her no matter if he feels sorry for her or not and if he can't stop all communication with her then you need to stop and look at how much your dh really loves you or the ex?

He has NO right to take your guys son to her house with you knowing and approving, how would he like it if you took him to your exes house with out saying anything to him??

New second wife-step-mom's picture

Why do men act so stupid? Or should I say why do they act like we are stupid?
Nope that doesn't happen instead I find out he has brought my son to this ladies house to meet her. -------
You've got to be kidding me, he did WHAT?
Why he wants to please her when his kids are grown, I do not know.-----
He truly thought he was just being friendly and saying "Hi".------
^^^Sounds like something my DH would say. But making a special point of seeing her :?
And I really don't get why your DH still converses with this woman when the skids are grown??? Unless they are getting married, arrested, terminally ill or something of that nature, I see NOOOOO reason why he would need to speak to BM. That would be another deal breaker for me.
^^^ YES... I told my DH you have a choice to make because somethings are deal breakers and if you are still emotionally involved with this woman and still need to see or talk to her (other than about SS) IT. IS. OVER!!!

HadEnoughx5's picture

If we had the answer on HOW to ignore them, we wouldn't be coming on this website Biggrin

Sorry, I just found that funny. Seriously, I have a crazy BM to deal with too. It's a freak'in journey for me!

Christinas's picture

I've seen people that can get along with the BM. I doubt it will ever happen in my case but surely there is something I can do to not let her get to me like she does.

twopines's picture

The way to not let her get to you is for your husband to quit making her part of your life. I honestly don't understand his thinking on why he's so insistent on keeping in touch with her for no reason other than he can.