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Chi123's Blog

Miss disengaging, SD13 acting out

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Wow, been a long time since posted almost 2 years. I disengaged completely from skids since Aug 2021 and honestly it was very refreshing! No more useless drama,  having to deal with the oldest tantrums, or just simply having to cancel all my plans to be home while they visited. Now however, I decided to try again and slowly get back into just being friends with them. Well the eldest SD13 now is constantly giving DH problems , which in return just refueled the annoying feeling I would get.

Petty and unnecessary phone calls lol

Chi123's picture

Dh had missed call from BM, thinking it was serious he called asap. Come to find out it was over the STUPIDEST thing she could've called for. I'm amazed at how ridiculous and bored she must've been to have to call for that lol these BMs are something! Oh yeah she called to ask if DH was making SS use the washroom  sitting down like a girl -_-. Seriously? Even if he did, it prevents the piss from going on the floor in OUR home , not HERS. Besides,  it doesn't even put the child in danger. What petty phone calls have you guys gotten? Lol 

Grief and skids and DH

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So just need to vent to someone. I am currently still grieving the passing of my father, its been 5 months but to me feels like yesterday.  lately DH and I been arguing because he feels I don't want skids around- which i told him i don't,  i don't have the energy for them nor want to be around them, I am going through so much emotions I am not myself anymore and have to focus on me. He gets visitations couple times a week and lately he's taken them to park. Last couple days hes again brought up that he wants to bring them over more again to which itold him I will simply step out and do me.

Am i in the wrong???

Chi123's picture

Currently I'm greiving the loss of a parent. It was so difficult to remove life support. Dh has been supportive until recently it got into an argument. I am currently staying with my other parent  in an upper level in order to stay near to her while we process all paperworks. Dh one day brought skids, I was in lower level during the time.

Fed up with finances

Chi123's picture

Here to vent and hear some input from you all. Today DH and I got into an argument because I asked him why he spent 30 dollars at a store buying toys for his when we already tight on money.  What pissed me off more was the fact he didn't bother to buy our son a toy , I've been putting off buying anything for our son or for me because I know we are tight on money.  I've been only buying essentials.He isnt working and we using money I have in my account. What gets me is that it wasnt fair and isnt. I'm putting off our son and me and he is spending on his skids with money we need.