my own personal hell...
Here it goes:
My husband and I have been together for 4 and a half years. my step son is 6 years old as well my husband and i together have two children that are 3 and 17 months. Before I had my own children my ss was still very young and easy to deal with. We had a good time together, he loved me and we had such a happy family. As time passed and he got older we still had a good time together, but he was obviously getting much closer with his dad. my ss only goes to his moms house 1 or 2 days a week so we always have him. almost immediately following my first bio-childs birth, things changed. my ss started acting out, being aggressive towards my son, while still having moments of love for him. my husband and i talked and were pretty sure that he was having issues going from a single child to having a sibling, and now that meant he had to share the attention. over the next year we made a huge effort (me especially) to have him included in as much as we could, as well as spending alone time with him without the baby, cause we wanted him to know and feel that we still loved him just as much. when my bioson was 14 months old i got pregnant again. things still were getting worse and worse with my ss. his bm doesnt discipline and is more like his friend then his mom, which started to make me look bad as i have no problem disciplining him or taking priviliedges away if the disruptive actions didnt stop. it turns out that m husband is a flake when it comes to discipline, cleaning, laundry or anything that forces him off the couch. that brings us to the present, 4 and a half years of a slow decline in my ss behaviour and attitude. and my two kids are polite and helpful and listen, so i know its not my parenting style, cause its working with my kids. my ss is violent when he is angry, he talks back, totally ignores most of what i say, like im not even there, acts out at school, gets in fights at school... and he is 6! Ive let my husband deal with him and try to take a step back, that hasnt helped at all, as it seems like i can actually semi control him sometimes. he ignores any rules my husband gives him, and we have been repeating ourselves for about 3 years straight with the same rules and nothing sticks. I hate what my life has become. Im extremely depressed and feel like im loosing out on my own kids childhood because of the attention and work it takes to be a sm to this child. my husband knows that i dont get along well with my ss, but instead of trying to help he just says that i need to be the adult and not let it get to me, that im being immature etc. i feel like im trapped. i love my husband but im drowning in this life that doesnt belong to me anymore. i have no say in anything that has to do with my ss cause my husband just talks it out with his ex, but im always the first choice if he needs someone to watch him etc if he needs to work late etc. i know im getting walked all over, but i dont want to loose my marraige because of this. my kids deserrve better, and they should not suffer because my ss is such a problem. im lost as to what i should do next. my husband wont go to therapy/counselling, he thinks im over reacting need to just suck it up, and his ex thinks her son is an angel. i avoid my ss as much as possible, but i cant force my kids to not be around him. help, what do i do?
- cherryblossom's blog
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I always think when I hear
I always think when I hear stories like yours, that effectively what your DH is doing is relying on you for the *hard* stuff i.e. helping out with ss's routine, discipline, sitting for him (not sure about housework)? Yet when it comes to the *real* issues causing contention within your marriage and with ss, your DH's reaction is "its my way or the highway" and out comes the "you are the adult and YOU need to make the effort" thereby allowing HIM to get out of having to work through any issues and realising that every member of the family is responsible for making an effort (yes even ss6).
Your DH doesnt want the hard work of changing, of having to listen to you, of having to admit something he and thereby his son is doing are wrong. That would mean admitting he is wrong, much easier to deny and blame YOU.
Disengage. Your DH is refusing all avenues to assist your relationship, he is refusing to help your happiness therefore the only way you will regain your happiness is through yourself. YOU need to change. That is the only thing in your control. Anyway, you should love you more and that means self preservation needs to kick in otherwise its game over.
I had to make this hard decision and it is not easy, however if you get to the point where you give yourself a good talking to and LISTEN to sense then you will realise that no matter what your DH will throw at you in terms of accusations and manipulations to get you to capitulate to how he wants things done i.e. how things are now, you will allow it to bounce off you and not react. DH will realise he can't bend and blackmail you and then he may listen to you. Mine did as he realised I was one foot out the door and some.
So what does disengagement mean? It means, no more sitting for ss. Doesnt matter if you are home with your kids your response is "seeing as I am good enough to have the responsibility of ss when its convenient for you, but you do not care how your parenting/decision making when it comes to your son affects me and my children I am opting out for my sanity. When you decide to start acting like my husband, meaning considering me, including me in decisions and compromising, then maybe I will reconsider. You will have to find alternative arrangements." Then when he calls you immature, you hate ss. Tell him "I am telling you this once. You are the problem. I am not putting up with your blackmail, its not working." Then walk away.
This means, when ss wants your input or you to buy him something "sorry ss, you havent been nice to me lately (give example) so go ask daddy"
So no more doing his laundry, cooking, taking him places. Do the bear minimum, ensure his safety but thats it.
Time to get tough and save your sanity. You can reassess at a later stage if you like, but I would recommend this for now.
He needs to 'be the adult'
He needs to 'be the adult' and deal with his child's behaviour. It is hard to top Delilah's suggested response. Telling DH HE is the problem places blame in the right place and makes DH's behaviour the key issue.. It sounds like your DH is a couch parent, it's quite possible that despite your best efforts to engage with SS and provide attention and structure what SS really needs is more engagement with his Dad. You are just getting caught in the crossfire as he acts out his dissatisfaction with his father.