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Off Topic, but it still feels wrong.

Chel Bell's picture

MY dH, is one of those wonderful guys, Until you get a dumbass in front of him. He works with a "woman" who looks old enough to be his mommy, and supposivly is a "REBORN" christian,cant do her job, and it ,seems like.. latley she cannot go anywhere without him, when it comes to "work errands". They work in a f-kn soup kitchen.... he has only been there 4 weeks, and all of a sudden he goes everywhere, more than i even knew about, with this person??? She made us late for an appointment, well, not a formal one, just something to determine where we are going to live......and my DH ,should have been back sooner, but he was off on a "shopping errand" with mommy, AND WAS LATE. For some reason this is an issue, he is supposed to "be the cook" there, not her new shopping, I have no one and I'm lonlely PAL. I will gladly CORRECT her , if needed, but, at her age, I'm afraid I may hurt her. Tee hee. What to do, after going through what I went through w/ ex wife... I' m a bit loose.


_Jess_'s picture


That sounds eerily familiar. My DH finally ended a work friendship with this uber-Religious woman who was becoming WAY overinvolved in our lives. She told my DH that Jesus told her she was supposed to help him. *yikes* There is so much to this story, but to make it short: It eventually became clear that she was in love with my husband. This fact also became clear to her husband. Their marriage is now falling apart, and my husband took too long to end the friendship out of fear of hurting her feelings.

We still occassionally will get emails or cards in the mail from her. But things are tapering off, finally.

Good luck.

Chel Bell's picture

Thats what I'v been thinking to, on one side , I start to think maybe it's just me, but I can't help but to always trust my instincs, this woman is married to, and her hubby seems very nice, I'm sure he would not take any crap though. I told my husband just last night that that I think it's strange whats been going on, and hopefully he will take it into consideration. He is a good man, and thats why I dont want to be a total b!@# about this. I just don't want there to be any trouble, or bs going on, and I don't want her using my husband as "the food in her face at midnight", because she may have problems. ~"Resist all the urges.... that make you want to go out and kill." ~ Chel.