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Alone Again.....

Chel Bell's picture

Well, I spoke to my MIL the other day, and she had a really good visit w/ skids, and told me that BM's DH is gone, and she is definatly alone now. Well no surprise to me really, but for some reason, (no for a immature reason on my part...yeah I admit it!) I was happy to hear it. I think it's because BM used to force their relationship down our throats.....constantly telling us how "great their lives are", & "that her DH was a real man", and went on and on about their sex life that it got rediculious. I told her anyone who has to continue to justify themselves by squaking everyday is a liar! I guess I was right. This DH of her's is the same one who left her 4 other times, and that does not count one's I'm not aware of. And who put her in jail 2x's, for her domestic violence on HIM. He also left once and took both of HIS cars, and she had no transpo., did not really matter as her license was susspended anyway from DUI's. They got married a whole 4 months after we did. Then when my son was born, she went out and bought a puppy(she cant have anymore babies..thank god.)She already had 2 big mangy dogs.....and her DH was pissed about it. No wonder he's gone. I knew after we moved that he would not kick around for to long......he really, really resents supporting the skids.Even complained very out loud about it. Now my MIL has a bit of a upper hand as far as seeing the skids......BM will want the breaks from them it entitles her, but she also follows "patterns", so I know it's only a matter of time before she gets crazy/nasty again. Especially if she meets someone els. Itold this to my MIL, and she said"Well, I can't see that happening, w/ the way she looks now". Too funny! Maybe her DH will return, but I dought really sounds over this time. I love Karma. Smile


bellacita's picture

chel, ur BM is a certifiable whackjob and while her DH leaving her is a good start, it is no where NEAR what she deserves!!
i hope this is only the beginning!
and she BETTER leave u guys alone!

are ur kids w u rite now? hows that going?

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin

StepG's picture

sound like she is really capable of having her own children. I follow your post but I cannot remember you and H did or did not have custody of his kids at one point or shared? Are their plans to get them?

Chel Bell's picture

We did have custody of SS last year....of course BM dragged us all back to court soon after and wanted him back.......and after 6 months of him "living" w/ us, and her abuse, threats, and brain washing him to want to come home, we let him go, and moved! There was no way we could have kept him.....he is now 14, and acts like he's 20. I did not realize how much she would be allowed to be in our lives when he moved in w/ was like we were under 24/7 survalance, and she pulled so many stunts while this was going on, it was not worth it. My kids come here on Tuesday....YEAH!! I can't even think about it w/o crying...I miss them so. BM has no choice but to leave us alone, we are in "hiding" now from her, and it will remain that way for as long as we can push it. This woman had no doing being a mother in the first place, and I'm done paying for it!!!"~waiting on the world to change~"