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Teen mom SD18 and new boyfriend are "serious"

checkedoutsm's picture

So SD met a 22 year old at community college who tells her he is studying to become a neurosurgeon. And she believes him. She has been getting to know him all semester, but last week, she says, it got serious. Dh thought that meant they started making plans to get married or something. So he says, "Wow, so I guess if you guys are serious then you won't be moving back here." SD then says "oh no, it would be really nice if we could stay together that long, but I am still coming back home."

My thoughts? "Serious" means she is having sex with him in his car. And coming "home" means she has some sort long term plan of wreaking havoc on my life. She has lived in skid state for ten years and has a baby with local convict. Stay in skid state. Stay! Don't bring yourself, SS, and GSD2 here. I've had enough of your problems.

On the bright side SS made the basketball team this year. It's funny, he is a foot taller than everyone in his grade but he doesn't get to play sports because he is so bad at them. So he thinks the coaches are jerks because he warms the bench every game.


checkedoutsm's picture

Nope, won't be doing that. I don't want any connection to the drug abusing jailbird father and like I told DH it would just tie COW (BM) into our lives for longer. I kind of feel bad about SD because she is kind of stupid and helpless but I am not going to let her live here because I know she won't change.

boogeymom's picture

LOL! "Serious means they had sex in the back of his car." LOL!!! Oh yeah, buddy, do NOT let her try to get you guys to raise that grand-baby. If your SD does end up moving back in with you, I'll be looking to your blogs for tips on how to deal with it because I'm pretty sure SS11 will be teen-dad trying to live with us and raise his baby for him in about 5 years or so (hopefully he makes it that long, cuz he's the dumbest smart kid I've ever in book-smart, but not real world-smart). I'll be like, "SS11, I didn't even want kids of my OWN...what makes you think I want to raise YOURS? If you want to live with your parents and have them raise your kids for you, go live with your mom and grandma because they'll do it. I'm headed off for my European vacation. Deuces."

oneoffour's picture

hmmm, I have to check it out... Neurosurgery at Community College. Not to knock Comm. College (I plan to go myself this year)... but seriously? Neurosurgery?

checkedoutsm's picture

Yeah, she is totally buying it though. I would just love to say "Doctors don't date teen moms, SD." Or "Pre-med students aren't still in community college when they are twenty two."