We live with an 8 year old terrorist
My names Charlie and I'm 23 and I my fiance and I just had a beautiful baby girl back in April so part of my life is filled with the undying love that I never new existed, the love for my baby girl. The other part of our daily life is "Jordan" he's 8 and my fiance had him in a previouse relationship. I love him he is a sweet boy for about an hour out of every month. The rest of the time I can't stand him he yells, screams, talks back, he has said that i ve hurt him and tried to call the cops, he once tried to jam a stick in my throat, he is a terrorist, he has the mentality of a betrayed 17 year old girl out for revenge and when he's like this I wish he was gone. I have 100's of seriouse talks they feel pointless becasouse he doesn't give a fuck he promises the world and comes back 10 times worse. His mother is also at her wits end with his behavior. And Woo his father is a god damn stoner who refues to take him and the kid says were mean because were not like his dad his dad has him 4 day out of every month and doesn't do shit. He's not a parent he's a buddy.I'm so sick of him and his dad I just want them to go away together well this is really turning in to a rant so if anyone has any advice on how to teach this little shit some real respect email me. Thanks for reading
- Charliew86's blog
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Sounds like a horrible
Sounds like a horrible version of my SS9 when he was 6. I recommend time out for 8 minutes every time he pulls that crap. Time out doesn't start until he's sitting in the designated place quietly. It's amazing how well this has worked out in our family, 8 minutes is like a lifetime. I rarely have to put my skids in time out anymore because they know better now. Good luck.
Welcome to the community. I
Welcome to the community. I hope you find it a good place to vent, contribute and pick up some useful advice from others dealing with the challenges of blended family life.
Sounds like you need to get your wife a nice paddle and set the expetation that she use it on that kids bare ass vigorously and often. Tell her that if she won't dicipline him in a timely manner that you will ..... then follow through and light that kid's ass on fire with the paddle.
I had no problem spanking my SS when he was spanking age and earned it. Eventually my wife stepped up on disciplining him following my statement that "if you don't like how I discipline then you better get it done before I have to".
That was the worst day of our son's (my SS) life because his mom is far more severe in her discipline than I ever was. For years after she became the primary disciplinarian my son (SS) used to come to me and ask "can I just get a spanking and get this over with dad?" }:)
I would recommend that you video tape your SS's behavior so that if the police get called you have evidence of his evil crap and can show the police what you are dealing with.
BTW I am 46 and have been StepDad to my SS-17 since he was 1yo.
Good luck and hang in there.
sound like my 6 year old step
sound like my 6 year old step daughter, i know what you going though and im sooo sorry, i wouldn't wish that on anyone. i eally dont know what to tell you but do what you feel is right.... if you wanna talk im here.