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CBCharlotte's Blog

Another Heartbreak for DH

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Unfortunately, we found out the other day that DH did not get the job at big bank.  Honestly, we are completely shocked; it seemed like a slam dunk.  His last interview was right when we got back from Iceland, and seemed more like a formality than anything.  He interviewed with someone who would be his peer and they talked kind of the technical/business side of the job.  At one point, she asked him why he wants to take a job that is so much lower than his previous role.  He said that he is starting in a new territory, at a new bank, in a new marketplace and thinkgs its best to work his way

SD18 and College

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We are going through the college process with SD18, who will graduate in June.  SD18 is a pretty good student, mostly As and Bs.  She is in some honors and AP classes and generally does well and does her homework without a battle.  Compared to many skids on here, she is a dream. 



DH will have another interview soon!

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Just giving a quick update.  DH has had no luck with a part time job as of yet.  He applied to Home Depot and Lowe's (no reply), Apple Store (no reply) and a few others, (rejections or no reply).   I've been babysitting one or two nights a week which brings in about $50-$100 a week which helps with the extras. 

OT - Weather

CBCharlotte's picture

How much snow are you all supposed to get?  They are saying 6-12" here in downtown Philly.  The rain just switched to snow and its pretty heavy flakes.  Some of the suburbs and outer areas, like the Poconos, are getting 12-18"!  Hoping for no power outages.  We had a crazy storm Friday with sideways snow and lots of suburbs didn't have power for more than 24 hours.  Plus there were a lot of downed trees here in the city.


Update - Tough Time

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Per my last blog, I've been struggling with the fact that we're not in a place to have a baby (and everyone around me is pregnant) and also DH being unemployed for 2.5 years.

I read all of your responses Friday night and really appreciate them. The more I read, the more "right" I knew you all were, and I started to get pissed. I said to DH "Not tonight, since I'm tired, but sometime tomorrow I'd like to sit down and have a talk about money, jobs, and our future"

Tough Time

CBCharlotte's picture

My best friend is pregnant. I'm thrilled for her, of course, but struggling a bit with it myself (she will never ever know this). As you know from my past blogs, DH has been unemployed for 2.5 years and I've had 2 cancer scares at 29 & 30. Docs are pushing for me to have mastectomy and hysterectomy in the next 5 years, and have a child right away if I'm going to have one. Obviously, we are not in a place financially where that will work.

Excuse my while I amputate my hand....

CBCharlotte's picture

Sorry to be a blog hog but :sick: :sick: :sick:

Some of you will get a laugh out of my horror and misfortune

SS8 and SSstb7 arrived last night. While they were getting ready for bed, SS8 asked for his runny nose medicine. I was looking in the outer pockets of his suitcase, where his mom normally packs it.

I opened the top pocket and saw what I thought was one of their toys and pulled it out. Turns out it was a pink, jelly, vibrating c*ck ring. :sick: :sick: :sick:

A Slightly Disappointing Christmas with SDs

CBCharlotte's picture

Well false alarm. Both girls came to me sheepishly tonight with 2 wrapped gifts. SD17 had SD14 put them in her suitcase and 14 forgot to put them under the tree. They got me a coffee body wash (even though I don’t drink coffee) and an awesome bert’s Bees set with hand lotion, body lotion, and chapstick (I’m a chapstick addict)

They also got their grandmother a calendar


We did our Christmas this morning (SSs got in last night, SDs the day before).

Christmas Gifts

CBCharlotte's picture

As many of you know, DH has been unemployed for 2.5 years. Sigh. I make enough to cover our bills, child support comes out of his savings. There isn't a lot of room for extras. Instead of a million gifts this year, we decided to do something I saw online. Each skid will get:

Something you want
Something you need
Something to wear
Something to read
