Yeahhh.....Not Touching That With a 10 ft. Pole
After weeks of flipping back and forth between a raging psycho and whispering sweet nothings via text, attempting to get my BF to go back to her, BM sends my BF this text, "i always thought you and her were good together. tell her I said congratulations". BF started to reply to it when I said PUT THE PHONE DOWN AND STEP AWAY! lol. That comment is a disaster waiting to happen. He has been ignoring her texts when it has nothing to do with SS, which infuriates her (he has occasionally, like after the 50th text, broke down and responded, which is what she wants out of him, a reaction), and I think that with this comment she was just trying to get him to respond to her in some way. In her delusional world any reaction from BF makes her think that he still wants her, because (her thoughts) "If he didn't care about her, he wouldn't get so worked up about it, and react so passionately" :sick: . As I said, not touching that with a 10 ft. pole!
- caya506's blog
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OMG Caya, I was just thinking
OMG Caya, I was just thinking this to myself driving to work!! That my bfs BM thinks as long as BF talks to her, and responds to her psychosis, that she still has him, still has a chance, still has the upperhand!! You are sooo right! A little of subject, my ex was PSYCHO! And he would stalk me, any way he could communicat, he would, if it was calling, texting, email andything! I constantly told him to STOP, he would send letters to my home, my fathers home, send me gifts, he actually drove 2 hrs to my moms once to get a pity party! Crazy! Lol, well I would reply to him in the most vile and cruel ways to leave me alone! Finally I contacted his ex She said he did the same thing to her! She said he had some major issues, and needs counseling, that she did the same thing I did, and found out from a counselor that people like that have some thing in their mind..and wether we reply horribly and tell them to go jump off a cliff for all we care, that person thinks that by us responding at all, that we DO CARE.. Its creepy, but sooo true! This is why I have been trying to tell my BF to leave BM ALONE!
It's insane! Yep, he tried
It's insane! Yep, he tried telling her the polite way and the harsh way. Neither one worked. He is getting so frustrated because he thinks it will never end and I keep telling him it won't end if you keep feeding into it., just DON'T respond to her, that's what she wants.
I guess he's trying! lol
Yes, its good he is trying..
Yes, its good he is trying.. And this may scare you more lol, but it took a little more then 3 years for my crazy ex to leave me alone.. And every now and then something comes about from him.. He actually had a guy he works with friend request me on FB, obviously I didn't know who this guy was.. Well we would randomly chat every now and then.. Then one day he sent me a message and asked if I knew who he He then tells me that he works with my ex! Omg! I was like, that's cool..? He then says that he is asking me what to do cause my ex talks about me everyday, and how he messed up and knows that we will be together again if he can just find a way to see me and talk to me! Ahhh! This was actually the end of last year, and we had been apart for 3 years!!! My BF was mad lol. But this is how crazy they can be!!!
I think these guys are more
I think these guys are more flattered at the fact that BM still wants their attention (having a new GF and all). Which explains their need to feed into it. Whereas, US women see it as STALKING. If it were one of our Ex's, we'd hit the ignore button, change phone #'s, emails etc... til they GET it.
For some unknown reason my XW
For some unknown reason my XW used to call me periodically for advice. I was far from flattered. I would answer the phone with "What do you want" and end the conversation shortly with "not my problem".
Twice she called to tell me she was pregnant and did not know what to do. "Not my problem". The second time she called with the "I'm pregnant" message my younger brother answered the phone in another room at the same time I picked up. At some point during the conversation my XW heard my brother on the other line and asked if I had a girl listening to the conversation.
My brother said "No it is NAME HERE. Congrats on your future baby have you picked a name?". My XW was all excited that my brother was congratulating her on her pregnancy.
He then offered her a suggestion for a name for her baby. "You should call him Less but that will have to be his middle name because his first name will have to be FATHER...... CLICK!" My brother really liked my XW and when she became a scanky adulterous road whore he was bitter.
She burst in to sobs and I spent quite a bit of time calming her down. Though I had no use for her she was threatening to harm herself and as much as I detest her I did not want that. It was all I could do not to laugh my ass off though.
She has not called in more than 16yrs and I like it that way.
Best regards.
Too funny!!
Too funny!!
Rags, that's hilarious!!!
Rags, that's hilarious!!!
understand, most of us 2nd
understand, most of us 2nd wives would. my H's ex still calls him against the court order every once in a while. She will call using the youngest ss's cell phone because of course H answers expecting to talk to his son. My oldest SS16 called my best friend a few months ago to discuss a problem that as he put it "had been" bothering him. He said that he couldn't talk to me about it because he did not want to hurt my feelings and he did not want to put his dad against his mom. SS16 had answered the phone and his BM thought that it was SS16's dad. Wrong she was and the SS16 had to listen to her call him "sweety" and when he didn't say anything she asked him "honey whats the matter" SS asked who she wanted to talk to and she "giggled" and said sorry I thought it was your father. SS asked her why she was talking to him like that and she said that "we are still close, I am your mother" SS confronted her that they weren't married and that it was gross. Bm went on about how she was his first wife and that there was nothing that his dad was going to do about it. thank god she told SS also that "your dad has asked me to stop but once his wife always his wife, nothing he or that bitch Smom can do about it" and than she got him to promise not to say anything to either his dad or myself. Guess that is why he went to MY bestfriend, he had to know that she would pass it on.
Violetforest, I would be
Violetforest, I would be livid!!! What an idiot! BM still calls my BF "babe" it irritates the fu*k out of me!!!!
Spunki, that's horrible lol..
Spunki, that's horrible lol.. Yea whenever I'm irritated, and me and BF are at home when BM calls or texts, I will be like" what does she want? How are the kids babe? Thanks babe..." And mock her in her nasty crack headed squeely nasty voice!!! BLECK I hate her! Lol