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New here, New step mom of 2

Casixz99's picture

I raised my daughter she's 21, out of the house,  fell in love with an amazing man. He has an 8 year old son and 10 year old daughter and a crazy baby mamma. The bio mom has kept the kids from him refused visitation wouldn't let them talk to him.  Now she competes with us. We got married she's in love we bought a house she's trying to buy a house it's crazy. In all this now when she needs a babysitter she let's the kids come over. No notice no set pick up time they are dirty and not fed. My husband jumps at the chance to see them and will drop everything then tell me minutes before they arrive. I get ignored and dirty looks from his 8 year old son, daughter is ok. I have no say over anything. I have been feeling so selfish and so left out and angry. Im just grateful that there's a place to vent this.  I feel no connection with the kids I'm resentful of my only down time from work being disregarded and disrespected. Them the logical part of me knows it's not his fault he just wants to see his kids, as he should and I love that.  It's not the kids fault and I want to feel a connection with them but I've only met them 4 times. She's not going to change.  I try to talk to my husband and express my feelings and he says you don't seem to have spent time around kids. I raised mine and her friendship doesn't understand, although I've tried explaining, there's a huge difference between having a say in things and setting the rules with mine  to now having zero say about anything. I never understood how hard step parenting could be. Any advice is welcome! 


Casixz99's picture

There's no custody or visitation order. We just spoke to an attorney and will be working on that.  He never asked if I was OK with 50/50 visitation. I would never ever say no I just want to be asked and considered. Then I feel selfish because if it was my kid I would fight tooth or nail to see her. What a crazy roller coaster. 

LittleCloud9's picture

We hear you.

You and hubby have to get on the same page. Step life is seriously hard, and if you and him can't find a balance between his feelings and yours it will break you. Learning how to talk about things and really work with you partner as a team in coping with difficult situations will make it easier. My hubby always jumped at any extra time he could get with ss, but he talked to me about that before hand and made sure I was agreeable to that plan. he delt with the work of parenting and insisted his son treat me with respect. You are not selfish. You are also not a doormat. You and your partner need to set clear boundaries about how your family will function and stick with them. He needs to respect your limits even if they're not what he wants to hear.

I'm sorry, it's hard and it's a life laced with guilt trips, insecurity, and self doubt. 

advice.only2's picture

So far you haven't pointed out anything "amazing" about this man, other than he is amazing at dismissing you, not listening to you and not treating you like an equal partner in this relationship.

lieutenant_dad's picture

The best course of action in this is to not change YOUR plans just because he decided to see his kids last minute. YOUR life doesn't have to stop just because his does. If he asks why, you explain that you're giving him the same courtesy that he gives you, and since he doesn't want to communicate with you about it, you're interpreting his lack of caring as permission that what you're doing is fine. He can't have it both ways.

Also, it's much more empowering to realize that your DH IS part of the problem versus putting it all on BM. He SHOULD have had a court order (CO) before you came along. He SHOULD have been talking to an attorney years ago about setting up visitation. He SHOULD have had all this sorted and a consistent schedule in place before moving on with someone else.

He didn't. He has focused on finding a new wife, getting a new house, etc than getting HIS personal life and baggage in order. It is unfair to ask you to shoulder ANY of the responsibility and chaos HIS lack of preparation has caused.

That's not to say I don't empathize with him. I have a lot of empathy for fathers in the family court system. It's not fair how difficult it is for them to have even basic rights and privileges. I wouldn't look down on a father who was only granted EOWE in spite of trying. However, you're in a situation where your DH hasn't tried, hasn't sorted this out, and likely was fine with the way things were until you came around. And it's not because of chaos that he's addressing this; it's because he can offload some of the responsibility off to you. If it weren't that, then he would have talked to you about what you want for your mutual household versus just ramming through what he wants no matter the expense to you.

So, right now, keep your plans even if they run counter to what he wants. He'll either learn that he needs to communicate with you OR he'll resent you for not being at his neck and call. If it's the former, you can work through it. If it's the latter, you'll know that part of your attractiveness to him is your usefulness to him, and that hurts to find out.

Welcome and good luck.

Harry's picture

He is just so amazing.  Drops you for his kids.  BM control him.  I hope this amazing man. Cleans his dirty kids, cooks and cleans up after dinner.  That you are not the hired help, and babysitter.  Bed warmer. 
AsLong as BM control everything, it's only going to get worst. 

Casixz99's picture

I appreciate all of the input! Yes, ya'll are right hubby needs to be held responsible for his part or lack there of in this.  It's good to have a reality check and feedback from other people. I appreciate all of you.