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cant win for losin's Blog

Sooooo glad...

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OMG i am sooo happy right now. Elated. Bursting with joy. What a beautiful morning.

I get my cup of coffee, sit in my comfy chair with my laptop, windows open, listening to the birds. mmmm, so peaceful.

"i wonder what my steptalk friends are up to?" I open my laptop, click on my shortcut link and VOLIA!

There it was in front of me, staring at me.

Time to change.....

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I was reading a blog the other day and someone suggested changing the profile pics to a picture of our favorite drink, to help celebrate this blogger, "getting their drink on" LOL

Anyway, I changed mine because it is summer time, for some that means skids come for extended time, and that is reason to tip one or two or three back. For others, the skids leave for an extended time, and that is reason to tip one or two or three back. LOL

putting up this petition for Houstex...

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Please sign this petition to stop the madness that is called Houstex DH.

If you have not read lately DH wants to name the said unborn child an awful middle name.

I cannot even type the middle name out. It, it, it, it is just too much...Whoa is me. (places back of hand to forehead)

We must unite fellow steptalkers, spare our sister in stephood, and NOT ALLOW this injustice.

over analyzing....

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ugh, you ever just have one of them days/weeks/month, where a couple mundane normal everyday life hiccups that upsets you slightly, then you start OVER ANALYZING you ENTIRE life, and start adding fuel to your fire?!!!!

Yeah, i'm havin one of "them" times.


Passing words of wisdom

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Alot of us say we wouldn't do it all over again, alot of us say we would, but we would do it differently. Alot of us say we would tell others to NOT get involved with someone with kids.

I don't know if I would have listened. Shit, sometimes I didn't listen to my own voice when the bells were ringing! So let's pretend OUR own biokid (s) came and was serious with a partner who had kids. Ya know, the whole nine yards. Let's pretend they WOULD listen and follow our advice. What would your advice be?

Define Living?

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Im curious, this is something that has always perplexed me.
I have read here, and have heard people (adults and kids) say, "lives here every other weekend."

Do you really consider the child "living" there? Why not just say what it really is "visits every other weekend"

Those RED FLAGS....

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Did ya see them at the time? Hinsight being 20/20, do you look back and see them now?
Especially to the SP's that have done this more than once, did you see the red flags?

Those red flags with skids, or BM or even DH, that said "whoa! Think about it." Or the red flag that made you say "i dont believe it.."

What was your "red flags" that you saw or didnt see but see now?

O/T the ads at the bottom of page

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Does someone manually stick these ads in at the bottom of a page of a blog after the comments? I ask because it is cracking me up how the ads ironically match the blog.
One blog was about pissin on the toilet seat and the ad was about bed wetting!
Another was about being sick and lice, the ad was for lice shampoo.
Ommy's update about DH from his car accident (which I am glad he is getting better) the ad was from a lawyer saying "got hit by a drunk driver?"

Please someone tell me these are not coincidences?! Cuz if they are, it is flippin brilliant lol
