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BM looking for attention from her ex husband

buterfly_2011's picture

This makes two nights in a row she is midnight texting my SO. I'm about to BLOW UP! Of course she is texting. She is leaving her BF and moving back. All she knows is my SO had taken care of her since she was prego with somebody else's kids (yes KIDS) for many years until she left him for another man to pick up and do the same. Now she has wore out her welcome with that guy and thinks she is going to come back here and enter my life? I am proud of the BF for standing up for himself regarding SD17. And getting out of this crazy mess. But not a fan of what is headed my way regarding her.
I am not sure this is a fight I feel like fighting.


asheeha's picture

this is true. but you might have to help him see your side of it too. dh didn't have a problem with her texting in the middle of the night. didn't bug him. but it bugged the sh!t out of me.

i do help dh know when a boundary of mine has been crossed. tell him what i want him to do about it. if he doesn't do anything about it...he will after a few more times...because i go nuts.

buterfly_2011's picture

I wish he could block her number. He has 2 other children with her. SS11 and SS13. So there is no way he will block the number. She is the lifeline to the boys since they are 6 hours away. I know for a fact she has a plan. You can't tell me she doesn't. Texting at midnight.. hell texting anytime after 7pm. And the only calling him when I'm at work. I know there is something she is thinking. She has never had to fend for herself. And worse the SD17 hates my gutts so it's like I'm fighting them both. I said something to him last night about the late night texts from Saturday. His comment well I shouldn't have replied. Seriously? Maybe you should have told her the next day that is a NO GO. No texts after 7pm and if it isn't about the kids then it doesnt involve him! End of convo. To me it's that easy. He had better start seeing how easy that is or there will be trouble regarding our relationship.

RainbowsAndDaisies's picture

if your dh texts her "please dont texting me unless it involves the kids. You are harassing me." and then ignores her when she continues to text him, he can take her to court for harassment, maybe even have to CO modified. i know that would make me feel better. }:)

buterfly_2011's picture

You all think I won't sound like a jealous raging crazy woman if I ask this of him? I feel like I'm being a jealous crazy woman. ;-( I just do NOT trust this woman. And neither does his family. And I do not trust SD17 either.

buterfly_2011's picture

If he ever decides they need to meet alone he will also be deciding to pack his shit and get out of my house. Period! When she use to call him when I was near I could hear her scream at him and belittle him. And he would just take it. For hours she would do this. Just infuriates me. So now the change of how she is treating him has me concerned. This is all a big game to her. Somebody take care of me. So I don't have to work. So I can go to school because life delt me a bad card since I got preg at the age of 16..... WELL newsflash it happens to a lot of us but we don't think we are "owed" anything and we surely can take care of ourselves!