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Advice needed about stepson who lives with us full time

brettandjake's picture

My husband and me have custody of his son 15, and we also have a 9 and 1 year old. his son is so disrespectful to me he lies right to my face, he always gives me an attitude and back talks me. As parents were both easy going but my husband is very easy going. he is always on my side as we need to be a united front and discuss things later. my stepson really has no boundaries and his dad is very easy on him because husband feels guilty that there relationship changed from friends on the weekend to full time parent with rules.( he doesn't get along with his mom and has lived with us a little over a year) I love having my stepson live with us but its getting very hard to stay sane. just looking for some advice. what do you think is a typical bed time for a 15 year old on weekend ( he currently shares a room with 9 year old)? should my husband and me check the 15 year olds phone (he pays for it)? these are some things we disagree about. also how to handle my step sons back talk and being disrespectful? thanks new to site.


Sparklelady's picture

Welcome! You're bound to get a whole lot of opinions on these questions. At our home, both boys 14/15 go to bed at 9:30. Doesn't mean they're asleep by then, they can read if they like. But in bed by then. They've proven to me over and over that even 10pm is too late, because they drag their butts in the morning.

Checking phone - depends. Doesn't matter that he pays for it, because your checking is about safety. If you have cause, it's the same as watching internet sites and rummaging through sock drawers. As parents, you check. If you think you need to.

You and your husband have to be on the same team re:back talk and attitude. Then taking away electronics as consequences can be effective. What has worked/failed for you so far?

brettandjake's picture

after reading all these posts I feel like I have been being easier on stepson than I really want to or think I should be. things have been very unorganized with discipline and now I think its time to put my foot down and also have my husband start being the bad guy too. thanks

Onefootout's picture

You're more generous than I am.

My SO has a 17 year old son who lives with us full time. I take no part in bedtime, checking his phone, homework. He's not always openly rude, and not at all rebellious but he ices me out and ignores me and is passively hostile towards me -- all disrespectful. I just return the favor. I don't like anyone who is disrespectful to me and I certainly don't love living with this kid.

A lot of your SS's issues are probably normal teenage brattiness unfortunately, but you still have the right to be respected in your own home, at least treated with civility. I told my SO if we are to remain together that he must insist that SS17 treat me with a minimal amount of respect. The same respect one gives to any human being you see on the street.

Another poster on this site had a saying that I liked:

"Liking me is optional, respecting me is mandatory."

I think it's a good motto and is also realistic. There's no rule that says my SS must like me. But he should not be rude to me.

Hybrid's picture

I see this is an old post but this helped me so much this morning!  My SS "ices" me out, too, and I return the favor.

If he showed respect, I'd give it back.  I know I'm the adult but have had enough.

I'd love an update since your age range is similar to mine...

constantly_irritated's picture

Most 15 year old boys are kind of punks, but you have to draw the line with him. As long as your husband stands behind you, just make your expectations for how you are to be treated clear and don't stress about the rest.

brettandjake's picture

First I want to thank everyone for the comments and help. It gives me hope and helps knowing other are dealing with the same as me. My stepson will also revolve everything around his dad such as when I told him to do the dishwasher after he was done he went to my husband and said dad I did the dishes for you. ugh... he did them because I told him to, not because he wanted to do it for his dad. And the list goes on. I am no part of any of his conversation, like I'm not even there. My stepson is also very behind on common sense things because his mother is also bi-polar with multiple personalities. that's why he doesn't live with her and cant go back. I think its time to sit and make up a plan with my husband on discipline and then tell the kids what's up and then enforce it. My stepson is wicked into wanting a reason and answer why he's being disciplined or why he has to have a bedtime and when I say cause I'm the adult and parent he still fights that.