SS has feelings too
DH had a 'meeting' with BM and SS20. To remind you, DH will not say a WORD to SS without BM present 'in case of her objecting' - translation: Disney Daddy.
(To recap, SS20 living full time in OUR caravan on OUR farm; extremely messy/untidy -buys lots of old car hulks and parts, leaves everything around everywhere, tools scattered to impale an animal/rust; no thought for us - comes and goes when wants with no consideration for noise, invites friends/girlfriend over without courtesy of informing us; gets paid more than we do and yet pays no rent/utilities, spends all money by week 2 of the month and scrounges more from Mummy AND Daddy; very creepy and sneaks up on me, comes in house without knocking, sweet but weird. Learning difficulties? Not diagnosed).
It turns out BM is completely on our side; is also disgusted with SS's lifestyle/attitude and lack of life skills. Sounds like she backed up everything DH was not happy with. When SS said "I don't want a phone", she hit the nail on the head and replied "no, you don't want responsibility".
His explanation was that he feels very low all the time, every critiscism/request was met with "I'm too tired/I'm too busy". When parents asked what he was eating, he is dining on garage sandwiches and MaccyD's constantly. When told he needs to cook (he has our only microwave in there, we have given him a fridge and a cooker, all cooking implements etc) - he yells "I'm not cooking". BM said he should come and live with her again for a time but he refused, saying he "likes his own space". DH (bless him) actually said SS only has his own space because we have given it to him free of charge and he is not entitled to it. DH nagged him about his untidiness and explained it could be dangerous when we have animals, SS actually moaned "I don't see why there have to be so many animals". (That did raise my heckles when DH told me... YOU, don't see why I should have animals on MY farm?!)
The upshot is (as I suspected), SS is tragically immature. However as I have constantly moaned/nagged at DH, we are doing him no favours enabling him now. DH was sad that SS is low and not happy - I once again suggested that DH could actually spend two minutes of time with his son (who lives with us FFS), maybe go over and cook with him one night a week? Mumbles/frowns/guilt but no commitment.
I am also quite annoyed that it seems no plan was made at the meeting - nothing has changed on the ground. I told DH this morning about the huge amount of mess in front of SS's caravan (that has now been there for a week - I pile it in one of his old cars when it starts to rot or looks like blowing away/getting buried - but why should I?). Next thing I know DH has to go out to a job and tells me SS is fixing his trailer in front of our house.
I bite my tongue and mutter "Oh is he now?" under my breath, DH sees my mood shift and gets angry with me again ("What do you want me to do?"), I walk off to lock myself in my house AGAIN. The cycle is not broken, nothing is changing, no progress has been made at all. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr.
- breakingthroughtheinstincts's blog
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Oh my God, he sounds like a
Oh my God, he sounds like a big baby with all that whining. Be glad you weren't a part of that ridiculous whine-fest. Do you own this house and land? Like is it in just your name? If it is I would tell your DH that his son is getting evicted in 30 days and he needs to find somewhere else to go because on day 31st, you are demoing his living hole and cleaning it all back up. Can your DH start making his son go with him to work like as a helper or something? I would even probably go as far as going out and buy SS two complete outfits for job interviews and pick up applications at the local grocery store or fast food joints for part time jobs. Being a recluse isn't helping his depression or self esteem. You say he is mature so take it all slowly and start with a part time job and letting him learn that if he works hard he can start buying things that he likes and makes him feel better and then build it up to "try to buy this new car" "try to get into this little apartment" etc.
SS has a paid apprenticeship
SS has a paid apprenticeship so works full time 1hr away (it would be cheaper to rent closer to this than pay for diesel) - he has done well to keep this as he hates it, and DH wants to enable him until he finishes so he doesn't screw it up. I don't know if I'll survive until then...
You say he makes more money
You say he makes more money than you -- why is he living on your marital property for free? Time to start charging him rent. If DH objects, find out the reason he doesn't want this mooch to grow the eff up.
Since this 'adult' lives on
Since this 'adult' lives on YOUR (and I mean you and DH) property, the only person your DH should be 'meeting' with about this situation, is YOU! BM has not a thing to say about what happens on YOUR property. That means you and DH make a plan together, about what to do with the 'adult' and then DO IT! Adult doesn't like it, he is free to go elsewhere. You're right, he is being enabled. He won't change, because he has no reason to. If he's depressed, he needs to go talk to someone about it. Having said that, your DH is unlikely to change either, because he has no reason to. This is where you must state your case and stand firm. It will make you wildly unpopular but, how long is too long to remain in this situation? Set a time frame and stick to it. End of story.![Dirol](
BM said he should come and
BM said he should come and live with her again for a time but he refused, saying he "likes his own space".
Why is he given a choice? You and your DH need to tell him he gets his own place or goes back to BM's, period.
Seriously? He makes more than you and your DH? Why are you putting up with this?
I just don't understand some people.
CAll a scrap yard, get a
CAll a scrap yard, get a quote how much it would be to come and clean everything away.... see if Dh has that kind of money in his account, then simply do it.
Put your foot down and tell SS, your yard is no longer his workshop, he can go out and rent space, seeing he's living for free on your soil. And if you ever find any junk around again, he will be evicted immediately...
DH saying anything about it, look him in the eye and say, I gave you a year to deal with this and sort this out, but seeing you have no balls or a spine, I'm taking over, if you do not like it you can move into the trailer with your son and I will tow you to the nearest trailer park
God I wish I was strong
God I wish I was strong enough to say/do these things. I haven't because I am a spineless idiot and I am completely aware that if I tell SS to move out then DH will at very least go with him - and if not he will never forgive me/let this go. I am waiting for our session tomorrow to discuss this as it's the only room where DH doesn't get angry or storm out on me. I am so grateful for everyone here, DH makes me feel like I am completely unreasonable and wrong! What a dunce I've become; when my Mum was alive and I had some family I used to be such a strong, independent woman. Now I am pregnant and alone in the world I have become a complete pussy. Thank you Stalkers...
By the way yes it is my farm, I bought it with my inheritance and put DH a small amount on the deeds as he has taken 2 years (and the rest) bringing it back from a pile of rubble.
You are stonger then what you
You are stonger then what you think hon, you married a guy with children
Now simply tell DH in therapy that this is what's going to happen, let him blow his top, therapist will probably agree with you, give them 30days to clear the yard, or you will get a scrap company to do so and DH will pay...
see you are being nice... 30days... and keep your word, remember all this junk a tracks rodents and snakes...
You did not tell SS to move out, you are only saying his shit must go... and if he does it again then he must go with the second lot of shit
Thank you so much my witchy
Thank you so much my witchy brethren... You make me stronger![Smile](