Honesty or Insults
Thru the years my DH and I have been having the same discussion/agruement about SS.. Honesty or Insult
I've been thinking alot about my ss14, and really trying to bring us into a more positive relationship, like we had before he got older and he believes evertthing his mother says
Well let me just jump right in,
Yesterday when I picked up my ss at school (we have him EOW and 1day a week) the first thing he said to me was, "you have bad breath",, ok fine I popped a mint. Now Im sitting their not wanting to talk.
These are things that he tells me almost on a constant basis:
I like your hair better when it was long
Remember when your teeth were croocked
Those shoes are freaky
YOur hair is really thin (stress)
I remember when you were so much thinner
If Im cooking "what is the horrible smell"
I hate NY (Im from NY)
My DH use to defend him saying he was just being honest and giving his opinion, I told him it was rude and insulting and if the kid doesnt have anything nice to say dont say anything.
But it continues, if I insult back I feel like I am stooping to his level, SS has blonde hair and it gets him alot of attention especially since no-one in our family has light hair. I think its going to turn brown like his fathers did, and it is starting to get darker, so I say "your hair is getting dark" I know he hates that. Ss yelled at me saying he was going to have blonde hair like his mother,,,I laughted so hard. She's a bleach blonde, and I made it quite clear to him to look for her roots,, you can see the brown.
( I have to admit I enjoyed that conversation )
So this continues, the observations that ss likes to throw at me,
This has been going on for 5 years but has only gotten worse,.
How many times do I have to say If you dont have anything nice to say,,say nothing..
Im sick of it I want to punch him in the face,,,DH thinks Im over-reacting ,,he is just being "HOnest"
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that's ridicilous!
I'd allow those kinds of "honest" comments from a 5 year old. A 14 year old is being manipulative and rude. Don't insult back (however tempting it might be) becuase that's like teaching a kid not to hit with a spanking.
My SD11 is starting to get really rude, snotty and generally negative around me and her sisters. My DH makes her do lines. Writing "Say something nice or say nothing at all" or "saying bad things makes people think I'm a mean person" 20 times gets your point across and keeps her busy.
Oh HELL no!
You have every right to be angry! That is disrespectful! It's one thing to be honest, but it's another thing to be rude and inconsiderate. Hasn't SS ever heard of "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"? Apparently not! And how dare DH allow such behavior.
I would have told DH, "Remember when you used to be so muscular and sexy? Oh, I miss those days! Now you're just a big beer-bloated blob!" I don't really know what DH looks like, but you get the idea... and if he gets upset, just tell him, "What? I'm being HONEST."
As for SS14, I would insult him right back. I did that to SD8 once. She told me that my breath smelled so I leaned over and took a whiff of her hair and replied, "You hair smells like poop. When was the last time you took a shower?"
I know, it's immature. But guess what? She never did it again.
ha ha ha!!
"Remember when you used to be so muscular and sexy? Oh, I miss those days! Now you're just a big beer-bloated blob!"
That made me snort Diet Coke up my nose!!
Who you talkin to?
Its funny, because I was just about to blog on the same thing. My SD8 always makes comments to her dad and to me and they are rude. She always responds to her bad behavior with "I wanted to", and then she always precedes her comments with "Anyways" in a sarcastic type of way - its rude. I just keep telling her to "Can you rephrase that please", until she gets it right. And yes telling her that it is better be nice or do not say anything at all. In my SD8's case - she's quiet all the time. I guess she has nothing good to say. WHATEVER!
I think it is rude and ignorant ugh!!!
there is no way I would put up with that crap.
Adults should be respected and I agree if they can not say something nice then dont say it.
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."
Teaching is the best teacher
In my opinion, teaching is the best teacher.
When my BD was about 3 she went through a very quick stage of biting. SOmething she picked up at daycare. Well one day as she was playing with my dad she just out of no where halled off and bit the sh#t out of my dad.
So, my dad took her hand and stuck it in his mouth and bit back. GASP. BDs eyes were in shock right along with mine and my moms. After a moment of realization that "Oh sh#t this hurts" the sound came and BD screamed her head off. My mom and I had run to take her from my dad and yelled at him. Well let me tell you. As HORRIBLE as I thought my dad was for doing that, BD NEVER bit another person at home or school. Cured her instantly. So if a 3 year old can rationalize, then surely a 14 year old should be able to. That was a lesson that I learned inadvertently. Childish and immature...Of COURSE. But sometimes you fight fire with fire. Just be mindful that if SS is a real idiot it may only fuel him.
People who get on HIGH Horses will find the fall to be painful. ~ME :->
Reminds me of SD
Whenever she is being nasty and rude, DH says "I raised her to speak her mind and always question things." Excuse me? Who does that benefit? I just do NOT grasp that concept. There are rules and there are conventions for decent behavior. I don't walk around telling SD15 that she stinks, although she does. Literally, if she leaves her bedroom door open I can tell from the bottom of the stairs up to the bedrooms. Nasty.
SS needs to keep his negative opinions to himself, in my opinion.
Elizabeth ...ohh my god!
Your situation is the SPITTIN image of mine. SD8 has BO like nobody's business, and I can smell her from a mile away. Her room stinks so bad that when the door is CRACKED I gag :sick:. We always harp on her to put on deoderant, and lotion but she doesn't give a crap about it - and leaves like a stinky ashy mess. I'm just waiting for the day that the boy she likes tells her she stinks, and that she is a ashbucket...and that would solve that problem! lol
Another SD trait
Brutal "honesty" which is actually the inability to edit trivial and unimportant thoughts, opinions, or desires.
Some can be taught (my SD cannot, but we will hopefully get some help on behavior mod at tomorrow's appt.) The thing is, I have now realized in SD's case, that her "insults" are really ways she shows she's acknowledging or paying attention to you.
OR....it could be coming from BM. I never lost my 20 post BD pounds. I would guess BM weighs the same or more than me, but it's all below the belt and mine is boobs belly butt. So it's more obvious on me and harder to hide.
For the longest time, my SD would talk about my weight, or more painfully, talk up the amazing and effortless weight loss of everyone else in our world of family and friends who had babies the same year I had birth daughter.
"Wow...you know next door neighbor had TWINS TWO MONTHS before YOU had BD, and she's so SKINNY!"
"Aunt S had BD's cousin 3 weeks AFTER BD and you can't even tell she was ever pregnant!"
"You know, Aunt N had BD's cousin 6 MONTHS after BD, and she is so amazingly thin! How does she do it with 5 yo twins too! She doesn't even look like she had 3 kids in 5 years!!!!"
Over and over and over...
Or she'd see pregnant people and rub in how much smaller they seemed than I did when pregnant with BD. Like our neighbor who definitely outweighs me by a bunch since she's 5'11 AND ALL. Or Aunt S who had another baby when our BD's were 2, and was instantly back to smaller than before.
I found out that BM was calling me a "fat bit@h" to SD every chance she got, and I think all those comments were SD's plea for me to get on with losing the weight so her mom wouldn't have ammo.
But instead I just said, "Yeah, everyone's different. We have had a lot of STRESS the past 2 years."
And then when the BM's nasty remarks came out I said, "Hmmmm...THAT'S odd since your mom appears to not be any smaller than me, we just carry it differently." And SD responded with, Yeah...her BUTT is HUGE now!"
I mustered my best serious PC SM face and said, "SD! That is NOT a respectful thing to say about your mom!"
And she answered, "No....but it's TRUE!"
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
Thank you all for your
Thank you all for your response
Sita, that is very interesting and give me a different perspective. I think DH believes that ss is acknowledging me, he is happy that ss notices anything about me.
Very interesting because it has crossed my mind that BM was feeding SS the things that she does not like about me and SS points it out to me, almost as a suggestion to change it,
Just like with your SD, she does not want to hear her mother call you fat, so she was coaxing you to lose weight by noticing how other new moms are.
I believe this is true for my case only to a certain point.
I use to find it strange thru the years that SS would actually notice what I was wearing. I'm not flamboyant, or super trendy but I like to wear new fashionalble clothes for my age.
Remember I see BM alot at sports. Well SS would say to me "those boots are freaky" . Now what does a 10 year old know about womens boots???. Or he would say " you not going to use that handbags are you",,, These are items that I know BM saw. or noticed about me.
With my SS. I think it may have started out that way and between BM pointing out to SS what she doesnt like about me from head to toe and DH thinking SS is being "honest" it has gone to a whole new level.
Now SS is a teenager, and feel his opinion should be heard.
I think its time for me to give SS a taste of his own medicine, he's 14, between DH and BM, Ive become a target for his "opinions" regarding me.
I only hope that once I zap him back, 5 years of all the things I dont like about him wont come pouring out. Like a volcano.
The poor kid will need therapy..
My SS made a hurtful remark
ONCE about my appearance and it was the last time. I asked him if he would like me to start picking apart his physical appearance and flaws because I had plenty of ammo to work with. He immediately turned red and never said anything like that to me again...He can still be quite nasty about other people (and I call him on it) but he has never attacked me again about my appearance because he is afraid I will fling it back at him... I think these kids need to feel the sting that is the result of such callous remarks.
I was thinking about this today
and I wondered if you could approach DH like this...
"DH, regardless of whether SS is being honest or insulting, the result is hurtful. I would be mortified if the school were to call and say that SS told his teacher that she was fat (or whatever he could say about a teacher). If it's inappropriate in that setting, it's inappropriate here. From now on, when he says something hurtful, regardless of his intentions, I will say something hurtful back. It's in SS's best interest, because if he is truly just being honest, then he needs to be taught that that is not acceptable social behavior. There is no better teacher then giving him a dose of his own medicine. I hate to do it, but I care deeply about him and I want him to learn this lesson in our loving home instead of the cold heartless world."
You can smirk later, when no one is looking.
Yes I agree
At the dinner table, ss would look up and say, Wow your hair is really thin" and I would open the discussion on how it is inapproriate to tell someone that and if it was his sincere concern, he would dicuss it with me in private, to see what I was doing about it or if he can help, certainly not at a dinner table.
Well at first DH would say we are FAMILY and we can be open to each other and SS know the difference. Now after a few kicks in the ass by me DH realizes that its inappropriate, although deep down DH has this honesty family thing in his head.
I have said to SS, that if he ever made comments to people like that, he will lose friendships and respect. I also informed him that his honesty needs to be kept to himself
I hate to insult or make anyone feel bad about themselves, but Is hould of commented him back years ago.
i think hes doing it as his way of telling u ur not mom
and never will b. so he thinks its okay to insult u to show, in his mind, that he doesnt love u like he loves BM. that might be bc a) he doesnt or b) maybe he IS very fond of u but doesnt want to admit it or act that way, so he degrades u instead.
just a thought.
either way, hes old enough to knock the shit off and ur DH needs to tell him there is a definite difference between honesty and insults, like u said.
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
I tell them, every time you open your mouth our are imitating your mother. I will be so glad when you grow up because hopefully, you will be able to have independent thought processes and not have to repeat what other people say.
You can tell him that if he can dish it out he needs to be prepared to take it. If he starts it again just rip him apart for a few minutes and then end the conversation with thats the reason no one likes you and you don't have any friends because you are so mean to people. That will get his attention and give him something to think about. He's 14 years old and those other people are encouraging him to be mean and calling it being honest so its time to give him a reality check.