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Thank you

BMnotallowed's picture

Thank you for all of your love support and advice yesterday. I just need to take a step back and start loving myself again. He's not worth losing myself over. Thank you all for being so kind.


fakemommy's picture

I didn't comment on the other blog. But I think you should know you are stronger than you think. You are mourning a relationship you thought would last forever and your daughter's relationship with her father. That is so normal and your feelings are normal. I agree that you should wait until you are happy with yourself before you date again. Being single is fun, enjoy this 1-on-1 time you get with your daughter.

Also you are NOT pathetic. Pathetic is cheating on your pregnant wife. Pathetic is cheating with someone who is married. Pathetic is emailing another woman that you love and miss her while planning a wedding with another. You, my dear, are amazing. You choose to not stoop to their pathetic level and cheat or even respond to him. Instead, you focus on what is most important, your daughter and yourself. Continue to work on yourself and work on showing your daughter than you guys don't need a man to not only survive, but THRIVE.

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

WELL I think you should join me at Its a website for people like us who have been cheated on and are chumps. I really think you should just read and read and read over there. Its very eye opening on what your ex husband is doing and its good to be amongst similiar situations and how you can rebuild and heal. "trust that they suck" . He does suck.

My husband cheated on me pretty much our entire marriage. I busted him when I was six months pregnant with our third child. and I think you nailed it on the head when you said, "this isn't what you had planned for your life." This wasn't your dreams and hopes to be a divorced single mom with a biodad who is distant and a cheating arsehole. Being a single mom is hard. It is. I'm a good six years into now. But it does get easier. and I'll tell you how . By putting the focus on you. Seriously head to that website and just read and read and read and maybe buy the lady's book. She's been there and done that.