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BMJen's Blog

Did you know that "necular" parents argue about raising kids to?

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It's not just us you guys. Every family, even necular ones argue about how, when, etc to discipline the kids, allowance, rules, etc. There's always a softie between parents. I do most of the discipline when it comes to my son. He is right there to support me anytime I need it though. And honestly I'm thankful for it. My little boy has been abducted by aliens and replaced with this testosterone filled lunatic. He will go off like a roman candle anymore, it's so weird. DH enforces most of the rules with SD, but I'm softer with her because she's not here very often....EOW.

Cruella inspired, MY SKIDS are wonderful, and I love them so much.

BMJen's picture

My SD 15 is one of the best people I've ever met in my life. She has a heart of gold. Her and I can sit around and talk like me and my mother do. She amazes me with how respectful she is, how loving she is, how honest she is to me. I love that girl, and I know she loves me just as much. She's a spirit that I am so thankful, everyday, to know. I seriously don't know what I'd do without her. She helps me so much with my BD 2. She is a light in my life, truley.

VD negativity.

BMJen's picture

Listen up girls. I got thrown a curveball for VD this year. Today is my Bday, and Sunday is VD. Guess what, last night when on the phone with BM telling her about the snow she asked me if we were keeping SD all weekend. I kindave pulled back and thought "WTF, this lady knows this is MY weekend". I didn't really answer her. When I hung up I told DH what she had suggested.

Talk about an awesome Step Father.

BMJen's picture

My husband is a awesome SD. I say it because my son is full of shit 99% of the time and my husband continues to love, take care of, and support my son. Listen to'll be amazed. So last night when we got home from grocery shopping my son got out of the car, and left his door wide open. No one realized it because we were carrying in the baby, groceries, etc. This morning when we go to the car there it Wide open. It rained here last night. The freaking cat was all cuddled up under the steering weel.

I am a SM to.

BMJen's picture

I keep reading blogs, and I didn't want to post another one on this subject because I was told yesterday that all the blog hogging got under a friend of mines skin and when others were needing help everyone was to busy on the fight train that I produced. So I wanted to let it go.

But I can't.

I have a cool idea. Tell me if you guys are in!

BMJen's picture

I have the book Stepmonster. It's a great book....I loved it. I would like to get a list...on this blog....of who all would like it sent to them. The first person to say they want to participate will be the person I send the book to. The second person on this blog that wants it will be the person that they send it to........see what I mean?

And in the book on the first few blank pages we could write our SN's here, who we are sending it to, and what date. After it's made all it's rounds the last person would send it back to me. It would be like a ST keepsake!
