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Knowing what you know now ......

The big G's picture

Hi, i expect this has been asked thousands of times but.....

If you knew now how things would be when you first got with you partner.
Would he/she have got a second date?


The big G's picture

Also thinking on this, i would have bought my own home instead of piling all my cash in my current home so id have a sanctuary. Somewhere where sd could not irritate me.

Blondylady's picture

To be honest so fooled me , he is a great dad to ss and I fell in love with this side of him and thought he would be a great dad to "our " kids, he always says he knew I would live that aspect of him. Now four years in were living together obviously for a few years but no sign if a ring or my own babies. It's really hard, makes me really resentful in all honesty so the truth is if I knew now what I did now that his charm would wear off and I'd be left with this I would have enjoyed my 20s not being ties down to him, now I'm entering my 30s and scared to start all over again :/ also when I met so we lives abroad so his children were not with us EVERY weekend, that definitely put the blinkers on it and I had no idea what my life was going to turn out like

bks6717's picture

Awe how they tell us everything we want to hear I'm the beginning. DH knew I wanted a baby when we first started, but after about a yr of me "playing mom" and falling in love with the father in him. When it came time to me approaching the baby subject....I got, I've had my kids & I'm too old & babies are too expensive. I'm a yr &1/2 younger than him....dumbass. So fast forward couple yrs later. I made him get a vasectomy just so we could stop fighting about it, my relationship w/sk is pretty much nonexistent due to my disengaging. I will not raise his evil spoiled brats when I can't have one of my own. I love him just not his kids.

cfmommyof3's picture

Oh man, this is a loaded question! Yes because I love DH very much and he is a wonderful father and adopted my son getting a shitty man out of my sons life and he gave me a beautiful bright daughter of my own. We also have a great life together and are always working hard at a better future. However there are days, ohhhhh there are days when I think to myself is it worth it for the long hall when I could leave and not deal with that effing bitch ever again and if I did I would never again get with a man with children even though I have 2. But in the end I feel DH is worth it. And some day that bitch will get hers. Karma has to hand that out, it just has to!

DoubleUteeEFF's picture

Though sometimes it's hard, in the end DH is worth it and I can only hope that POS BM gets hers one day.
I do know however, that if for some reason DH and I split or something happens...I will NEVER EVER EVER date a man with children again. Lol.

WTF...REALLY's picture

Yes big time for me. Love my hubby!

I would of handled his ex waaayyyyyyyyyy different. WAAAYYYYY different!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Frustr8d1's picture

I think DH tricked me. I was fooled from the start. He told me he would have joint custody of SD and would only have her on alternating schedules with BM. Come to find out, all along, he intended to get SD full time forever. His dream came true and now our marriage is paying the price. We are now full time custodial parents to a very mean manipulative destructive SD-pre teen. Hate my life.

stepinhell617's picture


justanothergurlNJ's picture

NOPE!! I would have ran like Freddy fucking Kruger was chasing me with Jason chasing him and Michael Myers on the tail end if it all!!!! If it wasn't for the assault charge I would catch I'm ready to get in my truck and go give that gold digging, money grubbing, who already lives on someone Else's dime and works trying to bleed my man dry a good old fashioned beating. But after a good run on the treadmill to calm me down at the end of the day not my monkey's not my circus. Thankfully in the lovely state of NJ MY MONEY IS MY MONEY. So I can keep my fat paycheck in my pocket.