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BethAnne's Blog

lawyer also thinks BM is full of BS

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So I spoke to the lawyer this week, I always feel so trashy when trying to describe all the in's and outs of the drama that is step life, but I'm sure he hears it all the time. 

He said that his experience and gut is telling him that there is no cps case and BM is making stuff up to influence where SD spends winter vaccation. He can't check if there is a case because he is out of state, but suggested my husband get his attorney on the west coast to check. 

My bet is that BM is full of B.S.

BethAnne's picture

So I gave in and read the texts from BM on my husband's phone. To me it reads like BM bu*lls**t trying to get SD to stay with her for christmas and using big old mean SM (aka me) and the threat of a supposed cps investigation as the reason poor little sd couldn't possibly come to visit. And sd has been told that they have "options" at their age now. So BM isn't going to force SD to come and will apparently fight it in court if my husband wants to pursue it legally. 

What a load of B.S. - BM has proved before that she won't do s**t with the courts.

Mini update on cps case

BethAnne's picture

Made an appointment with lawyer for a consultation next week.

Had a couple heart to hearts with my husband. 

Beer has been bottled.

My husband has not yet talked to sd....

That's it for now. Just hoping that we don't get a visit before I get a chance to talk to the lawyer. With the holidays I'm hoping that is the case. 

cps might get involved again...need moral support and sanity checks

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So it has been a long time. I had a mini break-down after my last blog post and stepped away from step talk which I think was best for my mental health, but I'm sorry to say that I am again in need of someone to turn to and I've no one in my life who can offer me quite what you wonderful people here can.

Brief summary/update:

Judge signed the paperwork, DH has full legal custody...waiting to see if BM shows up on our doorstep accusing him of kidnapping

BethAnne's picture

Thanks to the magic of electronic communication we have a signed copy of the court order which gives my husband full legal custody of SD12 and which shows that she will be living with us during the accademic year. 


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Thought I'd post an update as things have changed here and although I don't post often I know a few of you know my situation.

BM and my husband agreed that sd10 would move back to living with BM for the next two school years and visit here over winter and summer vacations. (This is the opposite of what was happening for the last two years). Then after that sd would come and live here for 2 more years. They have paperwork written up which should ensure this happens.

Sd left a couple of weeks back for her mother's and will be back for winter break.

Questions for a new therapist

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After a couple of years of trying to make my life into something I am satisfied with and failing, I am finally getting close to biting the bullet and going to see a therapist. I have found one that specializes in anxiety (which I think I suffer from a mild form of) and some other issues in my life.

He says he also covers families of all configurations but does not specifically say he covers step families. I am not sure really where my main issues lie and it is probably a mixture of a number of things and certainly being a step mom contributes in a small way.

Homework/ Black history month/ what would you do?

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Every week my sd9 gets set reading comprehension type homework which is set from a text usually relating to something topical for the time of year. This weeks text is about black history month. Twice in the text they refer to Africans (note, NOT African-American) where they presumably mean black people in general.
