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School pictures greeeeat...

beezgirl's picture

Since we have SD5 50/50 school pictures happen to fall on our week. So all well and good, I dressed her up in a beautiful dress and did her super curly hair with some bobby pins. She looked adorable. So we get the pictures back I think they look great! Of course her hair is a little messed up since she’s um...5!! If you don’t get the pictures done right away at school duhh its not going to be a good scene. So MIL (who is still in contact with BM everyday -_-') informs me that BM hates her picture and told SD she looked terrible in them. Thanks guys. So without our knowledge she wrote the teacher a note to ask to have retakes done. (She attends an all French school; I only know minimal amounts of French. I have to translate everything) also the BM thinks she is a professional photographer with her 600+ dollar camera which we still don’t understand how she affords this stuff since she is on assistance...ANYWAY!

Since this was such a huge deal to have the "terrible" pictures redone that I had prepared her for one would think she would make sure to tell us when the retake date was, or ask to have SD that night so she could prepare her to her liking. But nope no calls or anything so I send her in normal jeans and a t shirt. The pictures are NOT as nice as the first ones and I know BM is going to freak.

Long story short im so tierd of feeling like a bag of shit and trying my hardest to take care of HER daughter. She wants her appearance to be supermom but I really wish everyone could see how much of a irresponsible pigheaded mother she is. I really wish her and MIL would move far far away from me so I can stop feeding this ulcer.


beezgirl's picture

Oh and we never had intentions of buying them after we found out she wanted retakes. I guess its a trip to the grocery store with FDH to get my baby belly pictures done with SD's headshots. So she can suck it.

stronggirl's picture

I actually find that quite funny that they did not tell you when the retakes were or get sd ready themselves since they are such the bitchy people about the first pictures. I bet she looked great and let me just say there are no perfect Kindergarten pictures and that is why they are so cute...I hope you got the copies of the first ones.

beezgirl's picture

Exactly! glad someone understands. its fun too look back at old school pictures. FDH had the mullet I had the crooked bangs and a scrunchy as big as my head ha ha.

caregiver1127's picture

Beezgirl - you will never please the BM so don't try to - enjoy the ones that you got her dressed up in and ignore the rest!!

beezgirl's picture

Haha thats a good idea, retakes of the retakes. Definatly wont be paying for them. After you get retakes you loose the first prints! Grrr oh well superstore it is.

beezgirl's picture

Im begining to realize that I will never please that "woman" haha. Even if we do everything the way that she wants there would STILL be something we missed that she would have to make a big deal about. Im totally over it...just have to keep practicing my breathing techniques.