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Cut your own nails at what age???

baseballgirly's picture

The youngest SS8 just learned how to cut his own nails. I made his father teach him this summer. Turns out that finger nails does not include toenails! This kid had nails on his toes so long that they were curling under his toes!!! WHERE THE HELL IS THIS KIDS FULL TIME CUSTODIAL MOTHER?!??! Disgusting!!!!! Why is this child 8 years old and still having everything done for him?!?? When is "I don't know how, no one showed me" going to be over!?!?? I'm so sick and damn tired of hearing "I don't know how". I teach them everything someone should know about their own personal hygiene and both parents seem content to sit back and let the kid grow up knowing either nothing or whatever I teach him. Why is this anyones responsiblity but their own??? How do they not notice??? or better yet, how do they ignore it if they do???? I'm so pissed off about they way my CL and his ex parent (or better, non-parent) their kids. They are two people that should not have children. I'm convinced neither of them actually want them.

Came home from work today to find that my CL started building our new shed. He had his kids playing on their own in the driveway. All they want to do is help him and be around him and he sends them off to play on their own instead of letting them dig a damn hole!!! HEY!! If your kids are so in the way, why are they coming over every second weekend to disrupt my life?!?!? Leave them at their moms house if you don't want them around!!!!

Jeez I'm soooo sick of all of it!!!

Grow up or give up.


baseballgirly's picture

When I first started dating CL, SS8 (6 at that time) WAS STILL HAVING HIS PARENTS WIPE HIS ASS!!! I have it to CL straight even back then. That kid should be doing that himself. Period. Next visit it wasn't an issue anymore. All they have to do is teach him!!! How can they not TEACH a child anything??? I made a HUGE deal about him not being able to tie a bow this summer (teased him relentlessly... showed him many times) and finally, he practiced long enough and learned. I'm not convinced he learned from either bio parent teaching him though. They are okay with him getting by having others do everything for him. Same boat as you... don't butter their own bread, pour milk on their cereal... will wake CL up in the morning because they are hungry and want breakfast!! POUR YOUR OWN DAMN CEREAL!!!!!! It makes me want to break down and cry when they come over and we have to go through this again and again.

I want to tell CL to take a more active role in raising these kids even if it is EOWE or just give up. This shuffling the kids back and forth all the time isn't doing any good for anyone involved exept for giving his Ex a weekend off. I'm sure she could use it since it seems like she could care less if they are around or not anyway seeing as how they are always being babysat or at daycare or a relatives house.

There should have been an aptitude test for people thinking about having kids. Both my CL and his Ex would have failed and not been allowed to be parents. They rely on teachers/daycare/ME/babysitters/relatives to teach everything and take absolutely NO responsibility where they should. It makes me sick really. Makes me love CL a little less each time too. I wonder if he notices that? The more his kids come over, the less intimate and connected we are to eachother. I lose respect for him with the way he parents.

I would never bash someone for how they feel toward their step kids. I am one of those people too after all!!!

Good luck!!!