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DH won't man up and talk to a Lawyer

aug2010's picture

Because of the events that occurred at christmas and our wedding we have had enough. or so I thought. DH told BM that he was going to take her to court. Finally, he's standing up for himself as a father. Or so I thought. I have contacted a lawyer and he wants to meet with us. Now DH is giving the "we don't have the money" excuse. I told DH to take my tax return and use it. Told him we don't need to go on vacation. After being blown off regarding the lawyer issue I asked, "if you have the money, will you do it?" DH responds with "i'll think about it" Really?


Willow2010's picture

I guess I am a bit confused. Why do you want your DH to talk to a lawyer? Are you wanting to get custody of your skid? If your DH does not want to fight for HIS son, why do you?

Please go read Loraines post and see what happened to her. SHE fought for her DH’s daughter and it has bit her in the butt, big time. Once they got custody, her life fell apart due to all of the issues of getting her DH’s daughter full time. Just something to think about.

aug2010's picture

not going for custody just an agreement done on visitation. We need a legal document so that we can get my ss when we are supposed to. We simply cannot rely on her anymore to get my ss in a timely manner. We never know when or if we'll get him during holidays or weekends we are supposed to get him. Just want a legal document so that if she doesn't follow it then we could hold her in contempt. I talked to the lawyer and its something that can be done but I cannot do anything he needs to take the step.

aug2010's picture

how do you not care? I hate having a big heart. I hate taking on the whole world as my problems...and your right he doesn't care so I shouldn't either. I have to stop apparently.