aug2010's Blog
ss10 and his really bad grades
so last sunday we took ss10 home and i was asked to come in and was told i deserved an apology. SS told me that he had an f on his report card. I told him if he could get rid of the f i would take him somewhere. I was apologized to b/c its not 1 f but 3 f's. He's not bringing any and I mean ANY books home from school and is telling his mom that his mom's bf hates him and doesn't love him b/c BF makes him sit at the table and read. Me, BM, and BM's BF had a nice long discussion on how to handle SS.
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I'm pregnant and its gotta be a secret??!!??
Found out I was pregnant at the beginning of October. My DH decided to wait to tell my SS10 to make sure all was well (i previously miscarried a few months before). Now he wants to wait until "after christmas" so we have a pleasant christmas and not a disaster like last year. He thinks the ex will get mad but he also thinks that SS will be mad too. It hurts my feelings that he thinks that SS will be mad. I put my foot down and said we will tell him christmas day, but I think my DH is nervous. Why would SS be mad about the baby and is there a certain way to tell him?
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Lying advice
My SS (10) lies all the time. On a normal day 99% of what he says is a lie. Any advice on how to help him kick this habit? DH won't do anything and I hate being lied to.
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Crazy ex is at it again
Dh and I were invited by friends to an event to support their child. This friend is related to DH's ex. EX originally told friend she was going to go then backed out because she didn't want to make me "feel uncomfortable." I have the DH why should I feel uncomfortable.
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4th grader failing
My SS(10) is failing math and reading. I tried to stay out of it b/c i've been told there's nothing I can do at this point with my SS. But I couldn't help myself, I can't stand seeing someone get bad grades when they just need some help. I had my brother come over and tutor him in math and we printed out pages and pages of reading comprehension worksheets. DH drops off SS to BM and tells her what all we did. No nothing. Will this chick ever get over the fact that I'm married to her ex?
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SS10 is stealing
So amongst many bizarre moments with the SS we pick him up from BM's house friday and he is showing off these 2 rings. One looked like something out of a gumball machine but the other looked very vintage (turquoise stone with a cluster of diamonds). He claimed his mom gave them to him. I did state seems kinda odd for a 10 year old boy to have rings. To somewhat sidetrack for a moment for another odd behavior the next day prior to the finale...while my DH was working on his car SS stayed with DH's mother.
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DH doesn't believe me when I say I'm depressed
I stopped taking my depression meds (I know i'm not supposed to, it was my mistake) and sure enough I relapsed into depression. When I told my DH that I had stopped taking them for a while he said "good, I'm happy" and when I said but I'm depressed again, he replies with "your not depressed". I don't have the heart to tell him the what's and why's that i'm depressed, mainly b/c I think he won't react the way he should. I had bad thoughts of hurting myself and I'm afraid to tell him that b/c i'm worried he'll get angry or just won't understand. I don't know how else to put it to him.
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SS's birthday still turned into a disaster
So last year my SS's birthday was terrible, the BM wouldn't look at me and since it was my now DH's turn to host the bday party she invited practically his entire class and wouldn't help my now DH with getting all the kids set up for bowling. So seeing his frustration I decided to step in to help. Well parents saw me helping and assumed I was the BM. One parent even came up to me to ask me a question and I was nice enough to say "well this is his mom you should talk to her" what does she do when i leave to pick up the pizzas?
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Karma, do you believe?
I watched an episode of house today after seeing my psychiatrist and blabing about DH's ex. A lot was put in perspective. Here is the quote:
House: "People don't get what they deserve. They just get what they get, and there's nothing any of us can do about it."
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My poor mother
Ok so my SD is an alcoholic. He almost killed my brother (biological) during a drunken rage by choking him to the point the blood vessels in his eyes ruptured and his neck was bruised. It took my mother and HB and HS to pull him off my brother. My HB and HS were 10 and 8. Once he was released he just ran. I got the call after work and rushed towards where he was walking. I drove past a hospital thinking we should go and my mother(a nurse) said if we go to the hospital SD could get arrested. My brother decided not to go.
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