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they are gone for now's picture

The kids were removed from school and their bm took them out of state today! She went infront a Judge yesterday and got a temporary restraining order against my husband and took the kids. Hired an attorney already so lets pray this gets settled. I can't believe you can go speak to a judge and he signal off on something like that with no proof. Just a sob story from a bitter old woman.


stepmomto3bioto1's picture

Oh dear!!! What a nightmare!!! Keep us posted, how is your DH dealing with all this?'s picture

He's not dealing well. Along with the lawyer he's talked to every congeressman's office and state offical, he even called the FBI. It's a disater. I feel so bad for him. And the children. I was suppose to pick them up for their densist appointment that morning, but their BM had already done her deed, and I couldn't. They were so excited about going for their cleaning, and I couldn't take them. I can't imagine what they must of felt as they watched the time tick by and I didn't show up to get them. They were expecting me, but instead got her. She wasn't even there. She appointed a power of attorney and appointed a friend of her's from out of county to pick them up. I don't even know if the kids knew this person. The injustice of this breaks my heart.