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Military School's picture

My husband and I have been talking about sending SS11 to a military school this summer. It's only for 5 weeks, and it would be the time before he goes to see his BM for her 42 days of summer. Hey he said he wanted to go to summer camp! Smile Anyone had any experience with this type of alternate school? He is so out of control, irresponsible, and immature. I'm proud of my husband stepping up to his son's intolerable behavior.


DaizyDuke's picture

A very good friend of mine put her son in a military type program that our school district used to offer. She was having problems with him (I think he was in about the 8th grade) drinking, smoking pot, failing school, and just being a punk in general.

For this program, the kids still went to their regular public school, but they had to report to the program at 5am every morning prior to school for tutoring and boot camp like exercices. They had to wear special black sweat shirts and sweat pants that had the program name on it so everyone knew they were in the program. then after school they reported back for more tutoring and boot camp activities and were released to return home at 6 pm. They used to run the after school part in my school building and it was intense! I saw kids cry on a daily basis!

Anyway, my friend's son, did a complete 180! After he completed the 6 week program, he actually VOLUNTEERED to go back and help out and begged his parents to send him away to military school. He is now in Boston in a very prestigious college and has turned out to be a wonderful young adult.

I already told my DH that I have absolutely NO problem if our BS2 decides down the road to start acting like SS13 is right now, that I will send him away to military school in a heartbeat. I don't care if I go broke in the process, I will do everything in my power to ensure that BS turns out to be a productive member to society, not some leeching, entitled, no job holding, snot nosed brat who thinks that everyone else is on earth to serve him. Not going to happen on my watch!

DaizyDuke's picture

Yeah, it was AWESOME and really did work! Unfortunately because the state decided to take millions in aid away from school districts because they are so shitty at balancing their own budget, this program got cut. And it shows.. the kids are out of control again and there is nowhere for them to go other than juvie detention or jail and how much do you think THAT is costing the state? Yeah, makes a whole lot of sense. meh's picture

Wow thanks for the insight! Of course they cry grown people sometimes cry in real military training! It’s not supposed to be a cake walk. We really want to get a hold on him before its too late, and I think this point and age he will benefit tremendously! He is already going down a negative path, and he is only 11! I thought it would be something of a wakeup call for him. Something that hopefully he can also take with him throughout his life. I know they are expensive we’ve been actively looking at them in our city but I think if he does learn some discipline and life values it’s worth it.

Rags's picture

My dad when to military school and so did I and my younger brother.

It was great for all of us.

We also gave the same opportunity to my SS. He did awesome his first year. Academic honor society, military honor society, athletic honor society, general honor society. We were very poud.

Then his SpermIdiot got involved, hacked the school fire wall and started gaming with my SS and several other cadets on-line all night long nearly every night. My kid went from honors level performance to failing in less than a semester.

The system works and works well if you can keep the toxic dipshits out of the picture.

Good luck.