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Today.... I start a new life...

asm123's picture

Hello, everyone..

I have been looking at this site over the last few days and have felt the pain and frustration many of you deal with everyday. I am a divorced mother of two amazing girls and was involved for several years with a male who was also divorced with a daughter. Well, i finally left him and his kid and will never look back... I am tired of trying to have my small daughter like his kid... I am tired of always doing what he wanted to do and hated it when I wanted to have time with my girls.. I will never have to answer the question when my kids get in the car and ask.. is she with him this week? I will never have to smile and fake that smile when you can't even look at his over weight kid and his unwillingness to seek help for her obesity. I am tired being the one who told her to make healthy choices... don't eat the fries,,, dont eat all that icecream... enough... I post this to tell anyone out there who is contemplating settleing down with a man who has kids... If you can't stand the child, it won't change... your child will not magically get along. I dealt with this for 4 years and finally am free... Good luck to all of you... no more step for me... I will tread the water much more carefully next time and chose a lot wiser. we with children deserve someone who loves our children and who can accept a life outside the blended family. May you be blessed wtih a happy life, with your child or children...
