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Dealing with other parent

Blondie09's picture

We are in a custody battle to get the girls.. Before court even started I was the one to do everything for the girls. Their mom wouldn't bring them to the dr or anything. We are in a court battle because her step son continues to touch the girls inappropriately and she just acts like it doesnt happen that they are lying why would a 6 year old who started telling us when she was four make that up. And now our 3 year old is saying it. But louisiana won't do anything about it. It's not enough for emergency custody because its child on child.  It's pretty sad that their biological mom doesn't  care at all... not even to get them counseling. Ever since court started now it's all of a sudden a problem for me to bring them to the dr I can't do anything I have no say but before she was perfectly fine with it because she didn't want to do anything. We got them back with impetigo she never brought them to the dr 2nd degree burns never brought them to the dr. I could go on and on but still nothing has been done. Now I'm still stuck with them not having any discipline at their moms and me being the one that is staying at home now because it cost 1800 in daycare for all four kids has to be the one to start over every week.. I'm beyond tired of starting over they don't listen.. by the time I get them to start listening it's time for them to go back the next day. We get them week to week. Does it ever get any better with the other parent or is it just going to stay like this.???



Mumof8's picture

I wish I could help you.  That I could offer some sage advice.  I have been where you are now, and I can tell you that your role in this relationship will not bring you happiness in the end.  You are taking responsibility for two humans who, NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU ACT LIKE THEIR MOTHER AND LOVE THEM LIKE YOU ARE, will NEVER be your children.  Dont read this comment to biodad.  He wont like it.  He will think it is harsh and unloving, but I can guarantee you that I know you are a loving person or you wouldn't be in the situation you are in right now, and it will only get worse.  You will soon be the one interacting with the schools, the teachers will think that you are the mother.  The kids may start to call you Mom, if they don't already.  You will sacrifice your career, your financial freedom, your goals, your alone time, your friends, and so much more for these little humans, and always in the way that your spouse tells you you should.  You will start to make every life decison based on the custody battle, and wonder how it is that when you leave the courthouse you are angry or sad, and she is skipping along with her SO.  I am going to repeat the meanest words ever told to me (by every single member of her and his family)  YOU ARE NOT THEIR MOTHER.  Now, if you want to become someones mother whom you can truly save, you can adopt orphans from a third world country, you can adopt a pet, and you can adopt a homeless person, but I can guarantee you that the path of taking responsibility for your Darling Spouses kids and Biomoms kids, will only lead to alienation of you from  the kids, and your own suffering.  I doubt you are going to listen, because I can't for the life of me figure out what I couldve said to myself seven years ago that would have changed my thinking.  I took them to the doctor, I stayed home with them when they were ill.  I rocked them to sleep when they had ear infections, I took them to all doctor appointments.  I refilled their prescriptions, and I spent every single day and night with them while BD and BM worked, hung out with friends, and did whatever they plieased.  Now, I know you are going to have a million excuses for your having to take responsibility for their kids, and NOT your SO doing it, but I am going to tell you as lovingly as I can, that there is NO excuse.  You want a day to yourself, and pretty soon your SO is working weekends, and needs "overtime" or to help a friend.  You want to put the kids in daycare, well, that would look bad in court, so you don't get to go anywhere.  Dad starts just leaving them with you without asking, and he does it regularly, BM does the same in the form of "I can't make it, My Alternator is bad again."  It goes on and on until you wake up seven years later and say "ENOUGH."  THen you fight until you get divorced because your spouse doesn't want a partner, he wanted a babysitter with benefits.  A real partner, knows that you need your own life.  That his responsibilities are his own, and that you can't fix his life.  He has to do that.  Dont be the babysitter, be the hero of  your own story, and start worrying about you first, and then put the responsibility on Dads and Moms shoulders.  

tog redux's picture

Wow, yes, this - so much, OP.  I have nothing to add, except - stop the custody battle. It's clearly pointless.

tog redux's picture

Actually, I do have something to add.

BM was fine with allowing you to do things until she got served with papers saying your DH and you were trying to take her kids away.  It's human nature to no longer trust the people you perceive to be doing you harm.  The surprise court summons and adversarial nature of Family Court make all conflicts worse, and can take a decent co-parenting relationship (in her mind) and destroy it.

Children do lie (not saying they are), so without proof, no one will take them away from BM.  You guys can teach the little girl how to react when her stepbrother does things to her, and you can keep advocating for therapy, but there isn't much else you can do.