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That hate letter to the mom of an autistic boy

Anon2009's picture

Omg, did you read that? I think it's atrocious and horrid. Whoever wrote it should've at least signed their name.

I hope the mom took it to the authorities and that they can find whoever wrote it. That person has real anger issues.


Starla's picture

That actually breaks my heart. Sad I hope they find the person{s} who are involved in doing that.

purpledaisies's picture

OMG :jawdrop: that is disgusting. Yea they are the ones that they need to those too! That poor kid.

I used to live by a boy that is very autistic and yes he is annoying but I would never say that or even think those things. Geez! I even helpher with him.

Lalena75's picture

The company I work for builds and runs cila homes (6-8 bed real houses) several times the company has had irrate neighbors complaining about us being allowed to move "retards next door" and "ruining property values with crazies who should be in institutions where they belong." Graciously our fantastic CEO and residential Prez go and introduced these uneducated people to our beautiful homes outstanding staff and best of all our loving charming clients who win them over. It's not always easy our clients have bad days and when they do it can be loud, destructive and to many very awkward. We all try hard to educate and see ignorance like that letter as an opportunity to stand up and educate and fight back again st stereotypes. I love my clients like family it hurts to see things like that. Worse some DD clients are on social networking sites they read it, they know and it is bullying at its worst.