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Do you think our culture is in a downward spiral

Anon2009's picture

Willow's blog got me to thinking about this. I think it is.

Sadly, some examples seem to be playing out on this site. Nutty BMs. Moms and dads who don't parent their kids. Moms and dads who drag kids into adult issues. Moms and dads who give kids too much power. Moms and dads who let their kids run the show. These types of parents have always existed but they seem more common nowadays.

Then there are adults who do not act like adults. It doesn't matter what title they hold. They could be SPs, BPs, adult SKs, teachers, celebrities, or some jerk on the street. And yes, there've been SPs who don't always act like adults. Take that one SM who recently beat up her EX-SS (who is 8). Take the man who shot his SDs and got life without parole (I posted about him recently). Thankfully, many of them are not on this site. A teacher in NY got convicted of sexually abusing a child but was put on paid administrative leave. Many bioparents of both genders are in prison for crimes they committed. Many BMs (and more than one biodad-check out the SF den) have been less-than adult-like to SMs and our DHs. Heck, even SMs on this site have admitted to un-adult-like behavior towards SKs and BMs. Most recently one admitted to having her sister call BM, pretending to have had an affair with BMs DH.

This leads me to another thing. If so many adults can't act their age/do not, what sense does it make to expect the kids to act their ages?

Yes, there have always been immature adults, but they seem to be all too common these days.

Unwed pregnancies and cheating seem to be acceptable now, too. These things have happened for years, but seem to be more rampant today. Look at how many men have several BMs, and how several BMs have multiple baby daddies. Future generations are being saddled with debt.

I truly am saddened about the world we are leaving our kids and skids.


queenofthedamned's picture

I think these types of people seem more common these days because it's the information age - 24 hr news, the wonders of the internet, blogs, etc.

Personally I think people have always sucked and always will. lol.