Follow-Up to My Stupid Moving Box / Lawn Equipment Issue
Thanks for all the comments and advice on my earlier blog about FDH suggesting I give my moving boxes to BM.
I thought about it and realized I have just had it with this nonsense. I just sent him a very long email that basically covered these topics:
1- What made you think it was ok to suggest that it's fine for me to run around town getting boxes, esp in my condition, but your able-bodied ex wife can't?
2- How would you feel if you were busting your ass for this move and I suggested to you that some man I used to sleep with should benefit from your hard work and money?
3- This is not about the kids. They don't care about boxes therefore you should not care about how your ex wife does or does not execute her move. Let HER man help her if she needs help.
4- I am flabbergaasted that you are more concerned with your ex-wife's lawn care requirements than those of OUR new home.
5- Again, let HER man concern himself with her lawn care needs.
6- WTF are you thinking, man?? Why do you always come to her rescue? It's always something.
7- I am not living this way. If you can't stop your emotional entanglement with your very former wife right now, you will be lonely.
8- I share you with a demanding job, 4 kids, and whatever else life may throw our way. But I WILL NOT share the space of the primary female relationship with any other woman. It's her or me. Pick one.
He responded by thanking me for laying it all out there and that we could talk when he got home soon. We will see what he says. But more importantly, we will see what he does in the coming weeks and months.
And for the record, the boxes are going to my friend, Craigslist strangers or recycling.Or maybe I'll just put them in the attic for the next move. This shit ain't happenin'!
- Anne Boleyn's blog
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You totally just inspired me
You totally just inspired me to lay it all out there to my DH with a very boundry-less BM!!! Thank you!!!
I think you handled it beautifully!!!! Bravo girl!!