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How do you cope with the amount of money going to the EX?

Dashin20's picture

I was interested in knowing how some of you handled the majority of your husbands income going to their ex?

My husband is in the military and through all of the court battles with his ex, she has been awarded the majority of his pay, including housing allowances. She is getting substantial child support, health insurance, life insurance, half of uncovered healthcare expenses, and half of extra-curricular activity costs. Not to mention, she was awarded attorney's fees that we are STILL paying on, on top of our own.

I have a pretty decent job, so it is not like I am not contributing. Despite my help, I have had to move back in with my parents while my husband lives on base, away from his family, just so we are not struggling every month. All thanks to the amount of money and benefits the BM gets for their daughter. I am a college graduate with a Finance degree, I am employed, I raise a 4 year old boy, and am pregnant with my second child. I also attend law school 2 nights a week so that I can further my education.

The BM has a GED, no plans of going back to school, works a very mediocre call center job, and has never moved out of her mother's house. Needless to say, she has negative responsibilities. Also, she has no 'earning potential' to be held to, unlike my husband who is a college educated, able-bodied male in his twenties.

I understand that child support is figured out based on what the child's quality of life would have been had the parents not split, but what in the hell? Why is she allowed to sit around on her ass eating bon-bons all day, while my husband and I bust our humps to make sure our family is taken care of now, and in the future? Why should we be punished for having goals, aspirations, and drive just because she is a crap-lousy person? Why should the children a man chooses to have with the woman he loves, be subjected to live below poverty level, so one child can live in excess?

It isn't like I am asking for an extravagant lifestyle. I just want to be able to live in my own home, drive a car that is newer than 12 years old, and be able to give my children opportunities that require financial capabilities. That, and I would like to do these things without submerging myself in debt! As I said, I have a degree in Finance, so I am very well aware of bad spending habits, debt, etc., and I can assure you I have none of those, except for student loans.

I know that is just the way the court system is, and there is nothing I can do to change it, but I would like to know there is some light at the end of the tunnel. Every time I think about how much of our assets are being given to her, I literally tear up. For some reason, I cannot get past it. Someone please help me. PLEASE!

I would like for everyone that reads this, and plans on responding to please take a few things into consideration. I am a biological mother of one, and expecting a second. So I am very well aware of how much money is costs to raise a child, as my oldest is not my husbands and I did it all on my own with NO child support.

I know we are getting ripped off on how much we have to pay in child support, but there is nothing we can do to change it, as we have been to court over it.
Please spare me the rantings of, 'the child support is for the child'.

I would simply like some input on how you all deal with this.

Your help is very much appreciated!

Ninja chick's picture

It's cause hes in the service. My buddy in my whole dropped 3 pay grades when he got his divorce of pay and they had no kids! State laws don't apply in military court the military law does. For example say you got pulled over on base after having two beers out in town. Say the limit for it to be a DUI out in town you were fine but the limit on base is lower as far as a BAC then you get a DUI even if your sober as a bird.

Tell your DH to apply for on base living he has kids they shouldn't be able to deny it. It's free the only thing you pay for is groceries/cable/Internet. This is why they take so much money! They say hey you can live/eat/get medical all for free. It's a crappy logic but that's why they take more out when hour in the service. If he plans on vetting out I suggest filling for another hearing for it to change.

Dashin20's picture

The only 'thresh hold' that applies to us is she cannot receive morr than 60% of a service member's pay check.

As stated in my explanation, he is not his. However, the adoption will be finalized this Friday. Also stated before, I never received child support. It was a choice I made on my own, when I decided to not put my child's father on the birth certificate, give him rights, etc. I was able to support my son just fine without being ordered to let a piece of crap in his life. His father never even tried to establish rights, so it was no big deal. I had the option of abortion, or adoption, and I chose to keep him and support him myself.

I just moved back in with my parents because I am in law school here and am unable to transfer at the moment, and my husband was stationed elsewhere. Countering your question of how to makr the family work, how do people make families work when members are deployed? They just do.

She is working, but only part time. That is to cover her car note and cigarette habit. The rest of the time she sits around and bitches about not getting enough money.

I don't think I ever implied I only wanted to offer my children money. My child may only be 4 years old, but I believe I am going a very good job with supplying him with more than monetary things.

Thank you for your advice on not having children I can't afford. I am very much aware of it. Hence the fact I am killing myself working and furthering my education to supplement my life style.

However, I do not feel it is necessary for me to accrue debt or place myself on unnecessary government assistance, when I have other options.

Thanks for the lack of experience and support I was looking for. You honestly just remind me of a pissed off BM.

Ninja chick's picture

Hey has he applied for on base living yet? Like housing not beq? Also what branch is he in?

aggravated1's picture


Ignore the previous advice from Jmxl-whatever. You hit the nail on the head with the pissed of BM comment. She reminds me of a previous poster who was kicked off for using another's posters miscarriage as a weapon against her. In any case, how low class of her to question your pregnancy.

In answer to your question though, you will find that a lot of people here are in the same boat. Out stories have a lot of similarities-I have teenagers, but my DH just adopted them back in December. Their bio-dad did not pay child support and quit his well paying job to work under tha table. It was pointless to even try to get child support-I was spending more money on attorney's fees than I would ever get back.

It is hard for that money to go out of your household to someone who won't even try to better herself to contribute to the child's way of life. I have one of those BM's too, and it will make you bitter. There is a light at the end of the tunnel-we are down to paying on one SK who is almost 15, and they divorced when she was 8. At least you can draw comfort from the fact that you are not a low life, money sucking, live off other people's work kind of person, and one day-you and your DH will have everything you wanted.

You have learned to live without this money, and when child support ends, it will seem like a windfall. She, on the other hand, will have nothing to show for all of those years she wasted being a loser, with no income or prospects. That is what keeps me going!

aggravated1's picture

Where did she say she did not want her DH to support the child at all?? Tsk tsk. Making things up again.

aggravated1's picture

She was complaining about the amount, which is exorbitant. She did not complain about paying at all.Most of us here know where she is coming from. So once again, where do you get the she is upset he is paying child support at all?

My DH adopted my kids. He pays more child support than he is supposed to, to an idiot who will not work and is perfectly capable. Does it suck? yes, it does. Do I think he should pay no child support? No, I think he should pay what is reasonable to raise the child with BOTH parents contributing. So what exactly is your problem with this??? That BM should get as much as she can get, not contribute as much as she is able, and suck her ex-DH dry?
You sound upset solely that someone is complaining about a BM. Hmmmm.

Your argument that she is complaining about paying ANY child support has all kinds of holes in it, and really, you have some agenda going on with this anyway-it is very obvious.

young_step_mom's picture

I am in your EXACT situation. It really kills me how much DH is paying in CS right now, but it is his own fault because he volunteered to pay that amount. He is an idiot, I am well aware. Before I came along DH just forked over the cash and BM let him see SS whenever she felt like it. I finally had enough of it and told DH he had to go to mediation to have a written custody agreement because I was fed up with driving to her house to pick up SS (after she agreed to let us have him) just to have her close the door in our face. Finally they went to mediation but DH didn't ask to modify CS. Right now DH is paying 2000 a month just on food, and anything else is 50/50. If BM buys SS a new pair of underwear DH has to pay half. SS is 3.5 and there is no way he is eating 2000 worth of food, DH and I don't spend that much on groceries combined!!! The worst part is she never seems to have any money, and when they have to buy medicine or pay for Dr.s appointments or tuition, DH has to pay it all and deduct it from her bi-weekly paycheck. Then she gets pissed because she isn't getting her "full amount." So far this has been an uphill battle but DH and I are opening up our own store and I know money is going to be tight for a while so I am really pushing the CS modification because I don't want to struggle more than we have to. I guess I don't really have any advice for you, just that I am in the same boat and the constant rocking is making me sea-sick. Sometimes I really wonder wtf I was thinking getting involved w a man with so much baggage!

purpledaisies's picture

I agree more with you op--my dh's ex refuses to get a job so she really is just sitting on her butt doing NOTHING. All her kids are in school with the youngest almost 12. Dh has almost nothing after CS, taxes and ins. then half of all medical. I get no CS b/c my ex is a true dead beat.

I just keep reminding myself just 7 more years, 7 more years. But I am fortunate that my dh is very understanding and backs me up. He also understands that we don't have the extra money to give her more than just CS. Plus every time he DOES get a guilt trip I remind him that bm does not work and pulls the single mom/victim card even on her own kids.

Dashin20's picture

Arrearage was only for 1 month, because they had previously had a parenting plan in order, and that was the month it took to do all of the processing. Yes, he is paying attorney's fees, I put it in the post. Of course she filed a complaint for every time he farted, so those fees were outrageous! But the child support calculated in the child support worksheet is ridiculous, without attorney's fees. It is because he has tax free benefits, and does not have very much coming out of his paycheck for health insurance. Basically, he is penalized for being a service member. He joined because he was not having luck finding a job with his Biology Degree, and wanted to make sure our family could be taken care of since I wanted to further my education. Instead of the large amount of increase in pay we thought we would be getting, we are only getting a couple hundred dollars, thanks to the increase in child support.

It is not worth me being without my husband, or my children being without their dad. I wish I would have looked into the child support aspect of it a little bit better. However, he will be serving his country, and that is invaluable.

mama_althea's picture

I live in a state with both no-fault divorce and spousal support. I completely understand the bon-bon issue. Even on the rare occasions my SO's ex-wife decides to look for a job, she is never hired because since they split up she has been arrested twice for shoplifting and twice for disoderly conduct/battery. I have no argument with CS, which is a very cut and dried % in our state, but I get to watch as most of SO's pay goes to keep her "in the lifestyle to which she is accustomed" while she sits on her ass and very well could be eating bon-bons all day.

I don't have any helpful advice for Dashin as far as how to deal with it. I guess I'm just letting you know you have people in your shoes you can vent to...

alwaysanxious's picture

I don't think about it. I never see it and luckily I don't feel it. I'm fortunate for that. I realize some are not and I sympathize.
SO HATES it. It burns him so he tries not to think about it either.

Whateva's picture

I hate the child support system! it favors the mother no matter what the circumstances are.

As I witness others who unlike myself are so infatuated with Children, why are you having another baby when clearly money is tight due to children and you have one already ?I am not judging you, I guess I have never understood the overwhelming need to have a baby and more importantly the overwhelming need so much so that you disregarding the current circumstance? I know it is to late to unring that bell so I hope things get better, but in terms of the child support, maybe he should try for a modification based on his current expenses.

Good Luck

Dashin20's picture

Well, in an initial post I stated that every woman has the option of getting an abortion or giving their child up for adoption.

I am NOT infatuated with children, and I would NEVER stick myself, much less another child in this situation on purpose.

I have a thyroid problem and do not have anywhere near normal periods, my husband and I do not have unprotected sex because we weren't trying for more children, and I did not know I was pregnant until I was 14weeks along.

Not to say I would have aborted the child anyway, but as I said in another response, I did not view the child support laws so diligantly to the point where I would have known over $900 of my husbands income would be going to an ex girlfriend he had one child with, every month. My mistake.

Also, this amount was calculated as a modification to the previous parenting plan they had in effect. The previous amount was $0/mo. She just got a wild hair up her ass after we got married and found out he was adopting my son.

Unfreakingreal's picture

Dashin - the light at the end of the tunnel comes when the kid is 18 in some states and 21 in others. That's the reality. Our BM rapes my DH as well. We have learned to live w/o the money. The only thing that has gotten better is the fact that at least now my DH doesn't pay for extras. Before, he'd pay out his ass and on top of that buy the kids clothes, coats, school supplies etc. I put a stop to that. You can always file for custody and not have to pay her shit, but sometimes that's more headache than the money you're saving. Sorry you are going thru this, but I know how you feel.

12yrstepmonster's picture

:jawdrop: 60% is outrageous! Military doesn't get all that much "money" compensation to brgin with.

First I thank him for being in the service. Second I thank YOU for supporting him and being his rock while he is in. My first husband was in the army, so I can relate a little to what you are going through.

As how to cope: For starters my husband does not pay the % amount that yous does.
- get aggrivated that the courts don't take into account many things. By the time DH (commuting), BM and uncle sam get their parts I have about half his net pay to maintain our house.

I started off on being the super SM buying clothes shoes etc. When I didn't see kids in them I quit buying +- or SD would say it was cheap and didn't last......hmmmm really ODD has the exact in different color. Could it be you didn't really want it? Or like it? Or take care of it?

So I keep a log of expenses paid how much we have going out what the percetage is to his net pay. If he works OT stepkids might get a treat. If not they get nothing over the support and medical.

To cope I say what goes around comes around. We have lived "miserly" I have never had new furniture in our marriage - 12 yrs this year. We've owned one NEW car it is now 5 years old. BM has "made nasty comments" about nothing in our house matching. But when SD went to college and we were court order to pay more and BM came crying because we made sure she HAD to pay too. She was saying you have to pay for this and that and DH said no I don't not my car, show me the medical you've paid etc. She felt PAIN huge financially. She has her MA I have my MBA. We live on 40 hour a week pay because we need work/family balance. She has had to work two jobs and SS14 spends a lot of time alone. I look forward to each skid turning 21 or out of college and she will be out of my life.

Stay focused on supooerting your family and limit DH finanial obligations as much as possible. Understand the child support calculations understand the code the medical etc. See what is considered income and how to make it not included. Like BAQ isn't or shouldn't be income.

My biggest challenge seperating the negative feelings about BM from my relationship from skids

vera3's picture

"My biggest challenge seperating the negative feelings about BM from my relationship from skids"


For us, BM is our enemy (anyone who drags us through court to get $ out of us is our enemy, end of story) and so it's hard to not let that cross over to feeling negative about Skids. I *know* they are separate entities and it's not their fault their mom is a greedy peice of sh*t, but somehow it just colors how I feel. Sad I don't like it, but it's true...

young_step_mom's picture

Same. I hate BM and I hate that 80% of the money we give her is spent on herself, not SS. It sucks and it makes me resentful toward him but it is not his fault. Sad

vera3's picture

This struck a chord with me because I too get INFURIATED if I really let myself think about how much $ we pay to BM, simply because Dh earns more money and because the F'ed up CS laws allow her to.

A while back I made a budget up on Excel and of course I had to include CS. Then I made the mistake of doing a pie chart and when I saw the slice goin to BM I almost lost my mind.

I was REALLY starting to fixate on it but realized it was pointless because we have NO CHOICE until kids are 18.

So I told DH that for a good while anyway, I have to disengage from bill paying/bank account stuff/budget/finances, etc so that I can just stop thinking about it. He took it all over from me and that has helped. I know you probably don't have that option, you probably handle finances. But I wanted to just say -- I know the frustration and pain you feel at being helpless that your DH's pay is going to BM. It's like someone reaching their filthy hand right into your bank account and there's not a thing you can do!

Anon2009's picture

I agree with vera. When BM had custody DH was paying $1500 a month for two kids. That left him with nothing at the end of the day and it was entirely on me to pay all our bills. I have no problem with paying CS as long as it's fair and reasonable. To me, what your husband is paying, and what mine has paid, is unreasonable.

I too was so pi$$ed off at it that I had to turn the bill-paying over to DH for awhile. I also kept a separate bank account to make sure that BM did not ever see one red cent of money that I had earned. Like yours, my BM has never worked either and is perfectly able to. She had custody up until 4 years ago. So the kids were in school from 8-3 when she had them. She had them signed up for our local schools' after school programs, which offered transportation to the programs from the schools. She couldn't find a job to work at while the kids were at school and at these programs? Heck, even if she got a job at McDonalds, I'd be happy.

NCMilGal's picture

And I thought DH (also military) got bent over the table with no lube in 2002 when he was ordered to pay 35% of his gross pay plus medical insurance plus all transportation costs associated with visitation. He ended up declaring bankruptcy due to the bills BM racked up while they were married.

I'm itching to know what rank your DH is and how much CS is per month.

What with a number of factors - the annual cost of living raises, the time in service raises, and getting promoted twice - DH is now actually underpaying BM according to the charts. Since she thinks he's a total loser, she hasn't bothered to take him back to court because she thinks it isn't worth it.

We're trying to get SD15 to come live with us. If she does, the day that custody mod is in place, we're suing for CS. Not for us; it will go straight into a college fund for SD15 - which we'll match.

doll faced sm's picture

My FDH will also be declaring bankruptcy as soon as the divorce is final. Sad He really has no choice; way behind on all his "bills" (cc's his XW ran up while he was deployed), and no hope of ever catching up. He just doesn't want two court cases going on at the same, plus, there's no way right now he'll be able to save up the $5000 he's being told he needs to have in order just to file.

Anyway, he's E4/SPC and having to pay almost $1000/mo. There are lots of factors in this. Judge in the case chose *not* to honor request for non attendance from SMCRA - chain of command refused him leave for court date. XW's mom is a retired judge in the county. CS was figured based on an out-dated LES showing him still receiving jump pay (82d was his last unit) and something else (don't remember now what it was, just that he's not getting it anymore). His lawyer basically went into court and rolled over. Judge was an obvious man hater (BM sent him an email basically blackmailing him that everytime he wanted to see his son, he could fork over $1000 and she'd call it good. Judge said she'd probably do the same thing if she was in BM's shoes. Keep in mind that, until the CS order went through, he was still paying the JAG mandated amount of support monthly, so it's not like she wasn't getting money). Judge bought the XW's bs about FDH having PTSD because he "wasn't the man [she] married anymore" . . . because he didn't want to be with her anymore; he had to get a psych eval to submit to the court proving that he didn't have it.

*sigh* I could go on, but I've decided not to let this all get to me; thinking about it, it starts to get to me again. Assuming there is a reasonable judge this time around (his lawyer filed for a change of venue due to the fact that it was almost impossible to get a fair judge in a county where the XW's mom was a retired judge and knew them all - we tried to tell her this before hand, but you know, lawyers know everything), his CS should go down to about $450/mo based on the GA CS calculations guidlines, and there is a very real possibility that it will not be just FDH returning, but FSS as well. Because seeing his son is so important to him, FDH volunteered to cover all costs of picking up and returning FSS which will mean a good deal of money because FSS cannot fly on a plane alone even as an unacompanied minor.

NCMilGal's picture

DH's amount was based on his hazardous duty pay, jump pay, and special duty pay for the previous year. Did it matter that he wasn't deployed and was leaving Ranger Regiment? Not a damn bit. This was Louisiana calling the shots.

While $450/month sounds a lot more reasonable, your math is off. $1000 is nowhere near 60% of a SPC's pay. It's more like 30%, based on the pay charts. Jump pay is only $150/month, so it can't have thrown the calculations off that much.

For the record, I was making $500 less base pay per month with no BAH when I moved out of the barracks in 2003 as a SPC. While I was only providing for myself, I was still taking home less than he is now. It was tough sometimes.

If he likes it and hangs in there, the pay starts getting better as he gets promoted. BAH and base pay jump drastically around SSG. I'm a SFC now, and DH is a SGM. We do okay.

doll faced sm's picture

You may be right; I haven't looked at charts. I think his biggest strain is that he was still legally married when he got here, so his unit would not allow him a barracks room. Now, because he has no legal custody and no wife, he has no BAH (well, BAH diff, but that's peanuts), *but* still has a lease he can't break because he's not deploying/PCSing. I was really trying to avoid marrying him until his CS/custody issues were settled; I just don't want to be dragged into it. However, since we're now expecting a baby, we're planing on it w/i the next month.