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Really great update with SD; horrible with my mom

Annanymous's picture

SD13 (my daughter, whom I am raising and going to adopt when I save up the money): So, SD has jumped in the past week and has gone above and beyond what you would expect from a 13-year-old as far as doing chores, doing some housework on my to do list without even being asked, doing it WELL, and doing it with out a single drop of attitude. :jawdrop:

She brought me a bowl of cereal (with cereal in it and not full of milk) and a glass of milk with it, she has packed her own lunch and has made her own breakfast every morning, eggs, toast, cereal.

This occurred after I told her I needed her and it hurt my feelings that she was trying to make things harder on me when I have been so sick. Turns out, she told me she was having a lot of jealousy feelings about the baby and she felt like if she was still really little, needy, and cute, she wouldn't be "dumped". I thought she had worked through all those feelings, but apparently it had been resurfacing. We had a really great talk and she pulled her act together overnight. You wouldn't believe what this kid has done and can do. She swore she wouldn't do the "playing stupid" thing again and realized that I was most proud when she was a capable, independent young woman. I am making sure she feels the appreciation and love when she acts normal.

My Mom: Typed out a bunch of stuff, but its pointless. Erased it. Focusing on my real family.

Just so happy that my SD13 has stopped her stuff she was doing. It was driving me nuts. I knew she could do these things because I TAUGHT HER WHEN SHE WAS IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AND SHE HAS ALWAYS BEEN ABLE TO DO THEM, but DH kept saying "She forgot how" and "she just didn't know any better". I was really starting to think she lost about 40 IQ points or that I was CRAZY.


RedWingsFan's picture

Good deal! I was beginning to worry about your situation. Glad to hear things are seemingly getting better Smile