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BM drama just need to vent

angietaba's picture

This is my first post so here we go. I have been with my boyfriend for a little over 2 years now. I have 2 skids (8 + 4).The BM is a good mom but she has some issues and she has alot of growing up to do. I am really starting to dislike her ALOT. She is still bitter about the divorce from 3.5 years ago.When i first met her she told my boyfrind when we first got together if i was going to watch the kids she had to meet me. I know she only wanted to check me out, but i understood as a mother that i needed to met her. As soon as I introduce myself she just looks me up and down and thats it! It is 50/50 custody and we have to pay child support I do not understand this. When they first went to court he was working alot and she wasnt so thats why but now we have a big family and dont make as much she works full time and we shouldnt have to pay anything, but we cant afford to go to court right now. So this pisses me off. Almost everytime it is are turn to get kids she sends them in clothes to small or to big. I mean my 1 year old can fit into some of the clothes she sends her son in! It is that bad! She lives with her parents the past 2 years. Which is a 2 bedroom apartment that her 18 yeat old sister has one room and they sleep on air mattress in the living room. Whenever I see her if it is school function or anywhere else she ignores me and pretends i am invisible. i tried talking to her saying just hi she doesnt respond at all! When i open the door when she drops off the kids she doesnt say anything! I gave up now. My boyfriend said something to her about it she just said i am not going to be her friend. But hello it is just some kid of communication for the kids! Now when i see her i just get mad and irritated. My SD8 was talking with me at dinner a couple of weeks ago and asked me why are white people bad! She said her aunt told her that "she doesnt like you because white people are bad"! I was so mad! I couldnt believe it. I told my boyfriend when he got home form work, he called and BM didn't know that her sister told her that and was upset also about it. Also BM mom got involoved in that one and said sorry but when BD asked to speak to the aunt she said she is sleeping i am not going to wake her up!? She is a teenager still (18 school dropout)so i cant control what she says!?( I watch the kids every night when he is at work) A week before that his 4 year old SON came with black finger nail polish on! We asked him why he wanted his nails painted he said his aunt said it is cool that rock stars do it!And a month before that the BM asked if it was ok to get his 4 years old son's ear pierced, she said he saw her getting her ear pierced and wanted to get his! We said hell no!! These are small children not teenagers! Should i give him a cig and a beer too! (thats what i wanted to say!) Then today BM and my man got in a huge fight AT THE KIDS SCHOOL! She is supposed to drop them off today and then she came almost late and dropped kids off, she went up to BD and starting yelling that he was supposed to pick them up. My son is in the same classroom as my SS.She lives 15 min from school we live 5 min. BD told her friday that she can drop them off tuesdays at school and just have there same uniforms on. I am not sure what she is not understanding here. We are not going to wake up 3 kids 40 min. earlier to leave and get skids and come back. SHE NEEDS TO DROP THEM OFF! One of the teachers asked them to leave the school after that! She then drove to are house stood out front and continued to fight. She wanted her money and she is not going to drop off kids on tuesdays we have to pick them up. blahblahblah. BD told her he would give her a check but, soon she will not get any money. and the money is not hers it is for the kids. She blew up and he explained we have are own bills rent etc. and she lives with her parents he helped her with everything the 1st year they were divorced (gave her extra money payed bills) he told her he gave her a whole year to get her shit togther and it is not his fault where you are now., then it came out... she said it is not my fault i didnt want a divorce you did this! WOW this just seals the deal here. I just wonder will she ever get over it. Well i just needed to vent and maybe any tips or anyone else in this positon i dont know how to react to this. I want to say something but dont know what to do. Hope this made sense!


beamer's picture

You know, I am not dealing with nearly as much shit as you are but with a similiar story. My SD 16 mom is a complete mess. SD choose to come live with DH 4 years ago, her 7th grade, just as DH and I were coming together, and it has been nothing but pain and heart ache with BM since. BM forgets her birthday, cannot afford the simple plane ticket for christmas, she pays no child support, of course plants bad thoughts of me in SD's head, was in jail for Sd's summer visit.....the list goes on. It seems both of us are dealing with very iresponsable BM's. (oh ya and BM and 4 year old son are also living with HER single senior mother) OUr saving grace is BM is a plane ride away (or 2 day drive) so contact is limited to summers and christmas, which are too much for me! So I cannot imagine the bullshit you are dealing with. Is it possible to move with the Skids? She is obviously in no shape/enviroment to be taking care of these little ones. Any way that you can dominate custody sounds like the best situation. As for BM still in love with your honey, sounds like a pathetic ditch effort for sympathy (not that he isn't a dear) she is pleading to his past feelings and trying to make him feel guilty for "ruining her life". good luck. remember it is not personal, she just sucks!