Needing some advice
I am the step child in this situation.
My step dad has been in my life since I was 3 years old (I am now 25). He raised me and is who I have always considered my dad.
That being said our relationship has been rocky as far back as I can remember. I am not by any means saying I was perfect and he is in the wrong every time, I was a typical teen and had attitude problems most teens have with their parents:/ My step dad, however has always had a horrible temper and while it is aimed at anyone who pisses him off, I seem to be the one who gets it the most. Growing up there was a lot of yelling in the house and I remember being scared of him and worrying about making him angry. He never did anything to physically harm me until after my biological father passed away. And even then it was only once- threw the home phone at me because I didn't answer it. My mom in all of this has just kind of stayed in the back ground and sometimes would escalate it to a fight between the 2 of them. She would sometimes threaten to leave and I would have my fingers crossed hoping she would each time.
Ok so when I turned 18 I moved out. I couldn't get away from him fast enough. I finished high school and did the best I could on my own. One night a couple of months after graduation, I was visiting at their house and my mom made a comment about me still needing to get the rent paid on my apartment (more as reminder than anything). I had full intentions to go the next day however my step dad felt the need to take over the situation. He ordered me into the car and immediately started yelling at me about how irrisponsible I was and always had been. Long story short, by the time we got back to their place we were both screaming at each other and I was in tears. He told me I was no longer welcome in their home and that I needed to leave. My mom did nothing but show up at my apartment the next day to get my key to their house. I didn't speak to either one of them for about a month. I was in a car accident and totaled my car which prompted us to start speaking again.
Fast forward to now. There is still tension but he usually doesn't try to start to many fights with me because I defend myself now. I also try not to argue with him unless I feel strongly about something. My mom still sometimes mentions leaving but I cannot tell if she is ever serious. Before I get to what happened today I want to say mom is my best friend. I won't move out of state because I can't leave her. Whenever I have a problem she is one of the first people I reach out to. My 2 year old son adores both her and my step dad. This is also the first time my step dad has acted this nicely towards a child( he doesn't really like kids).
So today.. my mom had agreed to watch my son for the weekend while my husband and I went on a camping trip. My mom ended up taking my son to see my aunt and spent the weekend with them (step dad stayed home per usual). We got back early today and my mom was still out of town with the baby so I told her to call when she got in and we would come get him. Late in the day she calls to say she is almost to my grandparents and would meet us there. We told her we would leave in about 40 min as my husband was busy but that if she needed to go we could meet at her house instead My mom calls around 40 min later as we are headed out the door wondering where we were, she thought we said 20 min. Anyways we get to my gandparents which is about a 10 min drive and as I pull into the driveway my dad calls. Turns out mom had called him to just let him know what was going on. I answer and he says "you know, I am sick of you taking advantage if your mom" I asked what that was supposed to mean and he said " you told her an hour ago you were on you way" I told him no I said we would leave in 40 min and I just pulled into the driveway at my grandparents. At this point he hangs up on me. The tone between us was not a nice one which is how he usually is when he is mad at me. I don't feel the misunderstanding warrented the nasty phone call from him.
I spoke with my mom and told her I don't think I can take much more. I am worried he will one day treat my son this way which wi cause problems. My grandmother wishes my mom would just leave him as do I. We won't tell her this but both try to give her the encouragement she needs when she discusses leaving.
I guess what I'm asking is where to go from here. I don't want to take my son away from my mom but I can't mentally handle the way my step dad treats me. I am exhausted from trying to keep up a calm relationship with him and need to walk away for my sanity. I have been thinking about this all night and am also realizing this has effected my marriage, as I tend to be very defensive with my husband when we have even the smallest arguments. I am considering going to see a therapist about this issue as I feel like it may play a role in other problems as well.
Thank you for your input. I hope this all makes sense.. I know I started to ramble, if you have a question please feel free to ask. Thanks again!
It sounds a difficult
It sounds a difficult relationship. However, I doubt your stepfather feel as negatively about you as you suspect, because if he did it's unlikely he would have such positive feelings about your son. One option is to cut off all contact, but that would be hard for all concerned - I suggest that when you want contact with your mother, she should come and see you, rather than you taking your son to see her. If she babysits for you, have her do it at your home, if she is willing.
It sounds very strained and
It sounds very strained and uncomfortable for you.
"We told her we would leave in about 40 min as my husband was busy but that if she needed to go we could meet at her house instead My mom calls around 40 min later as we are headed out the door wondering where we were, she thought we said 20 min."
This part doesn't sound right to me however. Your husband was busy and could not leave right away to go pick up your son after your mom had taken care of him ALL WEEKEND! You or your husband should have jumped in the car immediately to pick him up. That is taking advantage in my opinion and I can totally understand why Step-dad was annoyed/ angry.
Your step-dad may have some anger issues that he could work on but if this is an example of what has gone on for years it is no wonder he is frustrated.
This may not be the answer you were looking for but as a step parent I can tell you how easy it is for the "kids" to expect the Grandparents (your mom and step-dad) to revolve around your world. They have a life too and expectations are sometimes too much for the step parent to handle. This is a time for the parents to re-build their relationship and work on being together without interference from grown Skids.
i agree with stepaside: this
i agree with stepaside: this is a boundary issue. you are old enough now to be respected as an adult and not a child. you will have to let him know that when he talks to you disrespectfully, the conversation will end.
as dr. phil says: you teach people how to treat you. time for him to go to school.
Stepaside nailed it. Great
Stepaside nailed it. Great advice.
I am a stepmom and my husband
I am a stepmom and my husband is a stepdad to my bios, all 4 steps lived with us from the age of 5-10 on. I can say That I would not call my steps and something like your stepdad to you nor would my husband do it with my bios. My first thought was that perhaps your mom said something to your stepdad, perhaps she was upset or misinformed your stepdad and he was defending her? I could see this sort of thing playing out between my bio parents. Mom would complain to my sister, my dad, my Gma about something and in support for her they would confront me. Mom never would voice herself to me. Just a thought, otherwsie I don't know why he would make the call and say what he did.
Since step-dad stays at home
Since step-dad stays at home why not just tell Mom that since she can't seem to get the courage to leave him, that you would prefer if she see you and your family someplace else. You can easily see her at your place, grandmas or even outside locations such as a restaurant for Sunday lunch or whatever.
Meanwhile block your step-dad's phone number from your cell - ask your provider for help if you need it. Don't make an issue of it with him, just tell your Mom to tell him the truth when he comments that he can't get through.
You may find that with his aging his frustration levels (where his anger comes from) are higher and his need for family is higher and there maybe some rethinking on his part. If you do interact with him in the future demand respect as an adult and if he doesn't just walk away or hang up. No explanation - just leave. He knows what he's doing he just need to be called up short on it.